MY internal services are down. I busy working on a bunch major projects and have no time for anything else until the end of april. Sorry about the inconveneience. I hope everyone can be my friend at the end. If not I will need new ones -applicatiosn are being accepted.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/02/2005 23:41 #31811
I am down04/03/2005 01:54 #31810
Jesse Haha04/01/2005 18:31 #31809
New peepette?04/01/2005 17:07 #31808
five vSo many things to talk about. The email system was down for a bit so I have all these journals that were on hold. It truns out that infrared leds show up in digital cam pics even though I can't see it. It is a great way to detect if it is working.
Jesse took our fiveV logo and made a circuit board out of it.

Jesse took our fiveV logo and made a circuit board out of it.

04/01/2005 13:11 #31807
Instant messengerIn repsonse to [inlink]angryshortkid,25[/inlink]. I don't ever use an away message and that angers a lot of people. I always have AIM on because it is on my cell phone. Even if I am not looking at the cell phone, I leave it on so that when I get back to the phone I can see who is trying to contact me. Luckily, my cell phone has a keyboard or it wouldn't be as great.
Having IM on the go is such a different paradigm than using it on a computer. It is like being a phsyic, never being alone, access to information, and fun. SO for me, I never see any reason to turn it off.
Having IM on the go is such a different paradigm than using it on a computer. It is like being a phsyic, never being alone, access to information, and fun. SO for me, I never see any reason to turn it off.