Paul's Journal
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03/25/2005 21:32 #31777
I got a VPS account
03/25/2005 19:31 #31776
Tino Eats03/25/2005 13:46 #31775
Adelphia Woes ContinuedI hate dealing with them, although I do have this one really funny story. I called in the middle of our first big party on elmwood at the lafayette house. The network was down , or so I thought, and I was so angry that people couldn't post to the site from the party. Turned out that someone had accidentally kicked the ethernet cable out of the router. When the operator asked me to test and see if the computer was connected to the cable modem I realized that the router wasn't and felt like such an idiot that instead of just telling her I went through the entire 20 minute diagnostic phone call with the shut it down, wait a minutes, turn it back on , restart the ocmputer crap. I just pretended to do all that because I couldn't tell her how dumb I was that I hadn't checked the cable.
03/24/2005 16:03 #31774
Jeff Weise School Shooting
"He looked like a cool guy, and then I talked to him a few times," Thunder said. "He talked about guns and shooting people." . . . Weise cultivated a dangerous appearance, including sculpting his hair to look as if he had devil horns. "It looked like he was trying to be evil," . . . dressed in black and wrote stories about zombies, may have posted messages on a neo-Nazi website expressing admiration for Adolf Hitler and using the handle "Todesengel" - German for "Angel of Death."
Is that not a little weird to be a native american neo-nazi? Why did no one stop him at that point. Where were the teachers and the school guidance councilors. He also supposedly posted this animation

On Wednesday, TheSmokingGun.com
reported that Weise posted a computer animation on a multimedia website in October, Newgrounds.com, that showed a gunman shooting four people, blowing up a squad car and committing suicide.
The animation was accompanied by a photograph of Weise and a description of him as "nothin' but a Native American teenage-stoner-industrialist."
That happens to be the same description that he uses for himself in his livejournal. I decided to find his livejournal and got this

03/24/2005 14:19 #31773
Potato Chip Advertisment

She also told me her kids have fruit roll ups that when pressed on their tongue print stuff in food coloring on it.

As if their wasn't already enough dye in fruit rollups! Kids of course then want to stick out their tongues. This could end up being so sick if companies convince kids to convince their parents to let them use their bodies as advertising space. What is worse is that the body being used for the advertisment doesn't really receive any reward or gain. I mean the people selling their bodies for advertising space on ebay are at least getting money for it.
An another note is this the halon gas you were talking about (e:shawnr) . And why do we need it in the CFA if it is so deadly.