Soyeon, I was not attacking you as a person I was disagreeing with your judgement about that image and have been too busy to discuss it any further, as I have been so extremely busy. I don't think anyone else was trying to "attack" you either, but I'll let them speak for themselves.
I wasn't mad at you or trying to make you feel bad. You should really work on being less sensitive or you will end up spending your whole life melancholy, betrayed, and offended.
Sorry, it had to end this way. Paul
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/05/2005 09:40 #31714
soyeon - Well,03/04/2005 22:03 #31713
Electronics Field TripNo, that is not a band name, it is my title for Saturday, the day that my electronics class field takes a field trip to toronto. My goal is to meet Steve Mann
, Maybe it will happen, maybe not. Hopefully, Jesse comes along as we need to plan for the upcomming hardware projects.
I am quite nervous about the day, as it begins at 8:00am so that I can get to North Campus by 9:15. I suppose it will work out and I will end up having access to many new electronic parts that will fulfill my hardware dreams.
I wonder what my life would be like if every day could have 8 more hours. Or better yet if the meaningless tasks and hoop jumping could be erased from my schedule. It is so unfortunate that I feel like right now I am at the peak of my productive time as an artist, programmer, designer and I am spending countless hours filling out forms. Take for example today's resume production time. It is still not done, but I spent the good part of four hours assembling a resume for a job upgrade that I am hoping for. It is not terribly important because of the million and a half other potential job offers, but it would make me quite happy and validate the money I spent on "training" myself to be an authority [inlink]robin,339[/inlink] of digital communication art.
I got rid of the snowflakes on the site today. It felt liberating to say, "enough, no more snow" to my computer. If only the weather could be interfaced so easily.

I am quite nervous about the day, as it begins at 8:00am so that I can get to North Campus by 9:15. I suppose it will work out and I will end up having access to many new electronic parts that will fulfill my hardware dreams.
I wonder what my life would be like if every day could have 8 more hours. Or better yet if the meaningless tasks and hoop jumping could be erased from my schedule. It is so unfortunate that I feel like right now I am at the peak of my productive time as an artist, programmer, designer and I am spending countless hours filling out forms. Take for example today's resume production time. It is still not done, but I spent the good part of four hours assembling a resume for a job upgrade that I am hoping for. It is not terribly important because of the million and a half other potential job offers, but it would make me quite happy and validate the money I spent on "training" myself to be an authority [inlink]robin,339[/inlink] of digital communication art.
I got rid of the snowflakes on the site today. It felt liberating to say, "enough, no more snow" to my computer. If only the weather could be interfaced so easily.
03/03/2005 22:38 #31712
Bye bye another jobOkay, so I have another job offer, this is getting to be insane. If I give up all these lucrative job offers and then Canisius doesn't pull through I am will go crazy. If I work full time, I can do crazy things like get my fillings fixed or go to a doctor. Maybe even pay the government back for some of my $80,000 in student loans!!
I found your resume on the web. I have a contract position in Buffalo, NY . . .
Salary - 20-22/hour (can be broken into salary and per diem)
03/03/2005 18:42 #31711
Getting busy03/03/2005 16:50 #31710
Soyeon and Art Part 2In reference to:
Who are you decide that I am inconsiderate about what art is or that I don't care? You barely know me, which has suddenly become all the more apparent. I do care very much what my art is about but I am not interested in making judgements on what other people should and not consider art. Especially, if I do not know the surrounding context behind the work.
It is not as though art is a dwindling natural resource that we may use up on the "bad stuff." Especially, when we are talking about digital artwork which operates on a nearly infinite canvas.
This argument is akin to arguing what religion is the "true" religion at the expense of excluding all others. I would rather spend my time thinking about what my art means to me and the people it affects.
soyeon 04:18 : Paul, I'm not being closed mind at all. I didn't say that pic was made by men. I think you are inconsiderated what art is about. or you don't care.
Who are you decide that I am inconsiderate about what art is or that I don't care? You barely know me, which has suddenly become all the more apparent. I do care very much what my art is about but I am not interested in making judgements on what other people should and not consider art. Especially, if I do not know the surrounding context behind the work.
It is not as though art is a dwindling natural resource that we may use up on the "bad stuff." Especially, when we are talking about digital artwork which operates on a nearly infinite canvas.
This argument is akin to arguing what religion is the "true" religion at the expense of excluding all others. I would rather spend my time thinking about what my art means to me and the people it affects.