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03/03/2005 13:35 #31709

Where the site is seen
I am really interested in what the site looks like physically, within the confines that people view it at. Those of you that have cameras, can you all post pictures of where you view the site. I think it would be cool to see everyone else's view of the site. I will make it into a gallery.

Here is my pic in the kitchen looking at the iste while cooking.


03/03/2005 02:31 #31708

Jesse Fabian
Wow, jesse had the internet before I had a computer. I am really jealous of him sometimes. I don't have anything left from my pre-digital existence and he has a digital existence before mine .

03/03/2005 02:08 #31707

Soyeon and Art
Soyeon, I agree with (e:ajay) [inlink]ajay,280[/inlink]

Stop being so closed minded. I can't believe you are automically ascribing your value system on that artwork without having any information about the work. I realize that (GOOGLE - body sushi) body sushi is is degrading toward woman. But we have no indication that this is from a body sushi restaurant and not female performance artist commenting on the fetishizing of asian woman and food in body sushi. Notice the way she is sitting up slightly and eating it off of herself. That is very different than other pictures of body sushi, where the woman is portrayed like a silent corpse.

Why do you reduce her performance to the metaphorical simple chemical when you have no idea about the possible complexity of the work. Why do you try and pretend to be some sort of art authority? Nobody is. It is exactly that type of snobbery that makes people hate art.

[size=m]Most importantly, why do you assume that artwork was made by a man?[/size]

03/03/2005 01:56 #31706

Reality TV
Category: television
I live in a box, well box mansion. I really have no idea what is going on in the world of television. I thought that people confessing their lives on a public journal was radical. Who would have guessed how far reality TV has gone. Well, probably everyone. Tonight I witnessed Cheater TV or something like that. It is a reality spouse cheating spy show that follows poeple around as their lives fall apart because of cheating partners. The whole thing is monitored and televised for us to judge.

In this show there was a hard working guy, whose girlfriend was cheating on him. When he confronted her and the guy in a public location the other dude pulled out a gun and tried to shoot him. The camera crew was really frreaked the hell out.

At the beginning of the show they made this whole point how they are doing this to show people the horrors of cheating. Then they played a commercial for a married person sex service where you can meet other married people that want to get it on.
"If you are involved in a relationship but feel like you need something more, log into Ashley Madison at "

This is juxtaposted with nocheater date where you can meet people that don't cheat. Apparently, they selll a little bit to everyone. Television has seriously hit an all time low.

But the question to me is really, why are people concerned with the lives of total strangers that they can't even interact with.

03/01/2005 01:44 #31705

Finally Back up and almost running
Category: computers
I am so busy because I put off doing all the things I needed to do ASAP but ended up compiling everything I needed to make suse linux my primary operating system. Now I can go back to programing again and take my world off of hold. Thanks to (e:ajay) and (e:twisted) for helping me along the way to having a functional development system. I need to decide on a good IDE for PHP on linux.

I have so much great stuff in store for the site in the near future!! It was so satifying compiling PHP 5 by myself. Now I just a fast connection and I can make the supercomp a server.


Now that I have gotten the hang of making and installing I have gotten everything to work on the laptop including sleep mode, wirless, graphic card, php 5, apache 2. There is also so much excellent software.