I live in a box, well box mansion. I really have no idea what is going on in the world of television. I thought that people confessing their lives on a public journal was radical. Who would have guessed how far reality TV has gone. Well, probably everyone. Tonight I witnessed Cheater TV or something like that. It is a reality spouse cheating spy show that follows poeple around as their lives fall apart because of cheating partners. The whole thing is monitored and televised for us to judge.
In this show there was a hard working guy, whose girlfriend was cheating on him. When he confronted her and the guy in a public location the other dude pulled out a gun and tried to shoot him. The camera crew was really frreaked the hell out.
At the beginning of the show they made this whole point how they are doing this to show people the horrors of cheating. Then they played a commercial for a married person sex service where you can meet other married people that want to get it on.
"If you are involved in a relationship but feel like you need something more, log into Ashley Madison at

This is juxtaposted with

nocheater date where you can meet people that don't cheat. Apparently, they selll a little bit to everyone. Television has seriously hit an all time low.
But the question to me is really, why are people concerned with the lives of total strangers that they can't even interact with.