Time for a day filled with meetings and chair shopping. Does anyone know where to buy those funky chairs you kind of lean foward and kneel on. I want to buy one but Office Max only had a crappy one and after my [search]"butterfly conservatory"[/search] butterfly conservatory drama, I am not planning on going to Canada to check out ikea. Then off to digital poetics class where I can demonstrate my newest poems.
I am almost about done with the grading module for the teaching sites. If you see the may grades link in your user link list - don't ' freak out. It is just a test of the emergency grading system.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/02/2005 12:53 #31632
Wednesday02/02/2005 01:08 #31631
My Bath Tub02/01/2005 02:59 #31630
Video ChatSomeday, when enough people donate to the site (hint), I will be able to launch the video chat program that I already constructed and is ready to go. It basically just needs me to be able to afford a license for the server. Here is (e:soyeon) and I videochatting.

01/31/2005 21:05 #31629
Consumer Version of the tripSo after you finsih touring the butterfly conservatory, they have the traditional gift shop that accompanies any natural wonder type museum. They had everythign from amgnets to mounted butterfly, to butterfly, kits, teeshirts, playdoh, stuffed animals, purses, pens, anything basically.
My new favorite habit is taking pcture of stuff instead of buying it. It kind of make steh sidekick pay for itself and satifies my collecting urge without having to actually buy anything. Sometimes I wonder if this could help my mother through her sales addiction!
I see it as similiar to collecting pokemon.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the right spelling for terry on the magnets.

It was even worse at the border on the way back thanks to officer Kartychak and his gang. I have never been so harrassed in my life. They searched the car, made us fill out forms, asked us tons of questions about how we knew each other, where I worked, what I did, why - who's car it was, etc. When I finally asked them what the problem was Officer Kartychak atcually replied in the most condescending way, "It is just a little weird that three grown men want to go to a butterfly conservatory togther, isn't it?" Which he basically cleary meant to translate to, "Shut the fuck up faggot."

Even the other boarder guard looked at him weird when he said it. Then I decided to copy down the number for complaints and comments and the other guard asked if I need to speak with anyone. I will, just wait.
My new favorite habit is taking pcture of stuff instead of buying it. It kind of make steh sidekick pay for itself and satifies my collecting urge without having to actually buy anything. Sometimes I wonder if this could help my mother through her sales addiction!
I see it as similiar to collecting pokemon.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the right spelling for terry on the magnets.

It was even worse at the border on the way back thanks to officer Kartychak and his gang. I have never been so harrassed in my life. They searched the car, made us fill out forms, asked us tons of questions about how we knew each other, where I worked, what I did, why - who's car it was, etc. When I finally asked them what the problem was Officer Kartychak atcually replied in the most condescending way, "It is just a little weird that three grown men want to go to a butterfly conservatory togther, isn't it?" Which he basically cleary meant to translate to, "Shut the fuck up faggot."

Even the other boarder guard looked at him weird when he said it. Then I decided to copy down the number for complaints and comments and the other guard asked if I need to speak with anyone. I will, just wait.
01/31/2005 19:48 #31628
ButterfliesThe butterfly conservatory is pretty cool. The minute we got there, one landed on (e:terry). They really get all over you.