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01/30/2005 20:18 #31625

I was checking up on (e:jasonsback) shoetif post when iI noticed the snoop dogg [inlink]jason,73[/inlink] post. It is so funny, mike [inlink]mike,296[/inlink] wrote something really similar last week about my dad. How is it that snoop manages to transcend the generational gap. he must have really good marketing agents.

01/30/2005 20:13 #31624

My two thousand ascii characters
Being admitted to grad school is no indication of any sort of intelligence. It basically means you can jump through hoops, fill out paperwork, and write basic english sentences. I can guarantee you of that. I think it used to mean a lot more. Along the same lines, this is probably why an undergraduate degree is now about equivalent to a high school degree in our parents generation.

I know this will kill you (e:jasonisback) but sometimes if students don't aggree with the material being presented they shouldn't be taking that class. The teacher obviously has an agenda which the school felt qualified enough to warrant them teaching a class about it. When students remain challenging to these positions it often disrupts the learning of others, who are perhaps already in concensus and would like to explore the topic further. (e:shoetif) , I am not suggesting this is your situation at all.

Good Example
I have witnessed this in a biology class in SC once where the teacher was teaching evolution and the creationist student had to keep challenging it. For the other students, as well as, for the teacher it became quite annoying as we could never move past the basic tennents of evolution without constantly going over how it was only one posiiton and that other people believe that god created all the humans the way they are. That ends up being really unfair to students who accept the idea and want to learn more about the specifics. At least that was a general biology class so it is possible that the student had to take it. But "queer theory" is for sure not on anyones required class list.

Does anyone rememeber Leo from Trebor's Screen tehory class. I can't remeber the specifics of why he "left" / "was removed" but it was similar to this.

Here is also an email I received on the mailing list for media studies. It seems like liberal arts like english and media studies, etc is generally the wrong place for someone who is right leaning, at least at UB - although I have yet to see a conservative liberal arts program. Here is an email sent by one of the full-time faculty to the media studies grad list.

> Politics in the New Media Classroom

As part of: WebCamTalk 1.0

* Introduction:

Thinking about educators some may argue that there is no room for the
personal politics of the professor in the classroom. We disagree. The Greek
word "professore" means " to proclaim." It does not mean "say nothing, look
the other side when thousands die in Iraq, when civil liberties vanish under
the Patriot Act, academic freedom of speech is questioned, or when the
International Monetary Fund ruins yet another Jamaica.

01/30/2005 19:08 #31623

I hate Alumni Drives
I am so sick of getting donation requests from the school I paid so much money to and will probably pay money for the rest of my life. How come Terry never gets these calls. What on earth really makes them think I would give them a single cent? I hope that they go out of business after the drama they put me through trying to transfer my credits back Germany. I have no interest in ever giving them one cent. The only good thing about that experience was working with Bernd Conrad and Marilya Veteto.

At first they try and make it sound like they were just calling to see how I am doing. I thought it was a little fishy. Then they ask for $100. I say, "no." Then "how about $75?" It's like haggeling with homeless people on elmwood!! No.

Stop calling me NAU

I am going back to when I never answered the telephone.

01/30/2005 16:29 #31622

So for the first time since our new phone system kicked in yesterday, I decided to pick up the phone. It was (e:holly) , and we ended up catching up quite a bit. To bad she missed (e:matthew) and (e:terrry) and the ski trip.

01/29/2005 12:53 #31621

Morning after hushpuppies
Our one day old milk from the coop went bad and now I am forced to cook with soymilk. I hope they don't have an overpowering soy taste.


Thank you stlvia for giving us you delicious "queen of soule food" hush puppies. Even your slogan is great, "There's nothing quiet about flavor."


They were so freakin' spicy. I would call them firepuppies.
