It's not like readers don't have options to contact the author or write a response online. They simply can email them using the form based email system, or go ahead and start a journal and inlink to the entry.
[size=m]Main Point[/size]
Here is an example of what I never want someone to have to experience on their journal. Check out the comments on this site where people have uploaded pictures from the tsunami disaster. You would think that tsunami pics would be a place where people woulld not act that way.
Check this out

Here is the excerpt in case the link goes down
From: Jizsaw (Mon Dec 27 00:53:50 2004)
Hope many Israelis were drowed and killed horribly.
From: riddaren 78 (Mon Dec 27 10:46:42 2004)
And I hope Arafat is being fucked in heaven by israelis
From: Right Brain (Mon Dec 27 12:52:55 2004)
Uh Jizsaw thats "drowned" not "drowed" you illiterate skunk.
From: pacer (Mon Dec 27 15:30:17 2004)
Yeah, piece of shit, fucking goats while you should have been at school?
From: tim (Mon Dec 27 18:41:02 2004)
even at tthis horrific time, there are muppets flaming at each other! fuck war you fuckers! be peaceful, is there any excuse not to be peaceful?! religion? fuck off, which religion promotes hostility and bigotry!?!?!? die fuckers! :P ironic? yer
From: unknown (Mon Dec 27 19:41:57 2004)
It's called compassion. If this hit you, how would you feel?
From: Duap (Tue Dec 28 02:37:30 2004)
To think I once thought of visiting Phuket this week.
From: horny (Tue Dec 28 04:39:54 2004)
by the way guys, did u all miss the nice thai chick in the picture, i wonther if she was one of the hores i fuck last summer i thiland?
From: US Ranger (Tue Dec 28 13:44:18 2004)
jizsaw your momma just swallowed my load. then i cut the bitches head off and fucked her skull!
From: Disgusted (Tue Dec 28 16:13:36 2004)
You children all need to grow up and clean up your filthy language. Would you talk like this in front of your parents? I think not. Pathetic, ignorant, classless, childish, and disgusting.
From: me (Tue Dec 28 18:26:23 2004)
wud u all talk like this when u had such a tsunami on the face?
From: FR-Dabest (Tue Dec 28 19:48:21 2004)
Loads of pricks, you deserve to be among the deads over there.
From: right mind (Wed Dec 29 22:29:12 2004)
anyone who can wish death on another human being is not worthy enough to be called a human but a terrorist and should be locked away
From: clear conscience (Thu Dec 30 00:32:17 2004)
Oh my God! In all this tragedy,some people can still be worse than animals. Ashamed to even have to write this
From: baghdadforayear (Thu Dec 30 05:46:46 2004)
I thought this was for the world to see what mother nature can really do, and to pray for the people that were lost..not to make asshole comments about shit that doesn't matter.
From: yamm�´finnish (Thu Dec 30 19:05:50 2004)
how stupid to talk like that. that is something i cannot understand. Finnish nor Scandinavians would never behave like that. i am so upset because of the first few comments. is this how English-speakers are? i am glad i am a scandinavian one with heart and head.
From: CAROL B (Sat Jan 1 10:22:19 2005)
THESE POSTERS sending nasty comments WANT A REAC
TION - DON'T GIVE THEM THE SATISFACTION . They gloat on it. May they gloat on their on vomit !
From: (Aussie131049) (Sat Jan 1 21:01:52 2005)
No yamm'finnish, not all english speaking people are like these brainless self centered idiots who have nothing nice to say. I really wonder what sort of an upbringing they had and are their paren ts proud of what they have produced. The world would certainly be a much better place without them.
From: (Aussie131049) (Mon Jan 3 00:51:21 2005)