Wow, I sent so much stuff to amvets and it still seems to never end. I even throw out everything that could be considered decorative.
I wish I could just have a truck right now.
12/28/2004 14:15 #31540
My ebay days
I have found so much stuff when packing to move. I decided it was time to go through everything and backup before the move. While doing that I found all the banners I made for products I sold on ebay. I used to make so much money selling working computer parts that I salvaged from broken computers. If only I had time like that now.
12/28/2004 13:45 #31539
Bandwidth sucking worm
LWP::Simple/5.65 is annoying and eating up bandwidth . If you have a site and are having similar problems here is some PHP code that will at least block it from getting to content.