Paul's Journal
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12/27/2004 18:50 #31538
Ear Candeling ExtravaganzaWe decided to candle out (e:matthew) 's ear infection (GOOGLE - "ear candeling"). Hi res pics are coming soon as we are done. Safety first.

12/27/2004 15:56 #31536
Moving is a pain12/27/2004 01:23 #31535
Onebuffalo.com12/26/2004 19:53 #31534
Luggage Fiasco for Terry's Sister AlexThe Buffalo airport is so low budget and crappy. I don't care what kind of holiday excuses they have, the luggage situation was totally out of control. Look at these pictures. It could have been a thieves hayday.
This is Alex, (e:terry) 's sister from his home town of Las Vegas.

This is Alex, (e:terry) 's sister from his home town of Las Vegas.