I was clearing out my phone for some christmas pics and found these seafood pics. Wegman's sea scallops and Casa Di Pizza fried calamari. I have eaten so much calamari this week, I could have consumed one giant sea squid.
(e:matthew) and I are making bacon wrapped scallops for new year's when my parents and Nonna come for dinner. That is our favorite food.
12/25/2004 19:25 #31528
I love Nonna's homemade knitted slippers. I got brown ones this year. (E:terry) , (e:matthew) and (e:mike) got pairs too.
I finally have enough bluetooth dongles for all of my computers. Now I just need a bluetooth phone, a bluetooth gps and a bluetooth camera.
12/25/2004 19:23 #31526
Jingle Bells
My mother bought Nonna a robotic snowman and dog reindeer. It sings and dances kind of like the animatronics from That place that became Major Magics or like the singing bass my father has
no more slippers : (