I really don't want to have to talk about "back in the day" when we had free speech on the internet. If people would just stop trading copyrighted material this would end. I think it's mostly about the entertainment industry going crazy trying to combat filesharing. If people wanted a real evolution in freedom they would just reject the corporate entertainment overlords who are pumping their corporate propoganda down our throats and just say no to corporate entertainment.
I am so tired of people say "screw the man share movies illegally." That just draws more attention from agencies who need any excuse to exert more control over the flow of information on the internet.
Why not just really screw them and reject the their media altogether and make our own or watch non corporate entertainment. People could support local film makers and not require 25 million to be spent to find something entertaining. That's what makes me hate 3D animation right now, it's just part of the whole cycle of only wanting the maximum in our decadent society and now it's coming to this.
Why should we care about all of this? We should care because if the FCC has the power to act on anything that has something to do with communication, we have only the FCC's self-restraint to rely on when it comes to all internet communications. We should care because we want open platforms and open communications to continue. We should care because the future of the internet is at stake -- the FCC will use its "ancillary jurisdiction" to impose "social policies" on any services that use the internet protocol, and will point to its broadcast flag action as support for it.
Enough ranting. --paul