I decided I am going to throw out the dishes. It may seem extreme but it works. We will each have one dish and one cup in addition to one fork, one spoon and one knife. We wil never have more than 20 things to wash. Guests, you can bring your own and take them home with you.
I guess this is the kind of angry son of a bitch I become when I forget my computer power supply at school. I had so much stuff to work on and now I am reduced to doing dishes. What a waste. Why even bother with all this education crap, if I still have to resort to doing dishes. I hate dishes. I just want enough money to never have to deal with dishes or laundry again.
11/09/2004 16:21 #31409
Who would guess
After snowing this morning it is now sunny and beautiful out although only about 25 degrees not celsius.
11/09/2004 15:12 #31408
Haiku Rules and Info
So today is the big day where I talkk about the haikus . Here are some rules about them and some example ones.
11/09/2004 04:21 #31407
The swan and snowflakes
Yes i am still up working on haikus and snowflakes.
The snow flakes are an experiment in alternative menus. They aree just in their infant phase. Being simple ASCII text they are very low impact. You can "shovel" the whites up by clicking them. The red ones turn them off for that session. The orange one produces haiku's using an eleborate formula. The green one animates them which is autpaused while you are typing a journal entry to make it less distracting. Full winter effects for the site will be avaiable soon, flakes willl only come out when it is snowing after I get some time to fnd a better weatehr feed. I previously using the NOAA feed at but it only reported overcast for today, even though it definately snowed.
It seemsunreal at this point. What else seems unreal is The Swan. (e:holly) knows more about this show than anyone. She presented about it at a conference in Montreal. It is a reality TV show for plasric surgery . (e:terry) said he thinks that this is a worse indictation of what our society has turned into than the election of George Bush. Personally, I would love to see a presidential makeover reality show, where the president gets a political makover.
This is what I am suggetsing for Mr. Bush: To start out with we need a social welfare understanding booster. We would have to take some of the fat away from oil industry and add it back to the poor. Then maybe a reduction in the sagging defense buget proposals followed by aggresive, radical braiin augmentation.
PS (e:twisted) is the best beta tester in the world.
11/08/2004 02:18 #31406
I was working a a translatorclass for my poetry projects when I stumbled upon this error at a site.
It was not entered a phrase to let you remind your password
I found it a perfectly ironic end to my search for help with translation.