Jim Leong, my landlord is such a jerk that it is unbelievable. He has screwed us over time and time again. I should have figured it out when he first tried to trick me about the lawn mowing cost.
When we went to sign our lease again he told us we might notice some people around the basement, etc as they set up the new downstairs apartment. Then he added an upstairs apartment, and a renovated side apartment to our house. It is non-stop pounding [inlink]paul,1911[/inlink] every freakin day starting early in the morning for almost a month now. We also often have no water, or our electricity goes off, our doorbell doesn't work, etc. Since they tinked aroudn with the electricty two weeks ago, we have had no doorbell, which they have been alerted of. We live on the second floor.
[size=m]Teresa, our former neighbor[/size]
Teresa, our former neighbor ( in the same building) came home one day to find her apartment cut in half and reduced by about 15% in size. During the construction of the upstairs apartment they made it so that he apartment was cut in two, with an entrance to her bedroom and a separate entrance to the rest of her unconnected apartment. Needless to say she promptly moved out.
Today was the topper for me. I came home from work and some dude was whistling in my house. I asked him what was going on and he said he was told to put some pipes in our inner hallway closet next to our bedroom. He was moving the stuff out of the closet when I came in. He was nice and all but there is never a time, save in an emergency when it is acceptable to be in my house when I am not home and there is no emergency. Especially going in my closets and moving shit around. He told him his boss said it was acceptable and to just clean stuff up afterwards so it looked untouched.
As quoted from the "Smart Consumers Guide to Residential Lease" pg. 39:
Tenant's must allow the landlord to come into the apartment but only on reasonable notice and during reasonable hopurs, the landlord may enter during an emergency.
This was not an emergency and furthermore, it wasn't even the landlord in my apartment it was some work guy. He hasn't called me back yet. I can't wait. He never respects us for a second. When they started pounding one Sunday morning above our bedroom at 8:30am I confronted him and he turned it into this semantics game where he said they started at 8:30 iunstead of 8:15 like I said. Who cares, stop inconveniencing our life you scumbag.
One day while
(e:terry) was in the shower and the water went off, I went to find the plumber who told me that he tried to contact us to warn us but couldn't. We were in the house!!! Not to mention that he told me our landlord wasn't even in the country. I am starting to agree with our neighbor who under similar stress and irritation with Jim Leong, told him to go back to china (he is korean which make sit even funnier)
If he thinks this kind of behavior is acceptable than I would like to see what he thinks about me opening the windows in mid january-february with the heat around 90 degress for the same inconvenient 4 week duration.