Nonna said the most truthful thing today, i tried to capture it all on my phone but only caught the beginning. It basically amounted to people are fat today because they eat at places liek mcDonalds's and don't work. We were watching a Dr. Phill show about people getting their stomachs stapled and she was saying how there were so many poor starving people and some people are so fat they spent $100,000 on surgery to stay surgically skinny. She said when she was young there were fat people too but they were one kind of people, business people!!! Her reason was that they had all of there meeting in restaurants.
As a final reminder of my visit, me and Nonna sent this auto recording via email to our relatives in Italy. Nonna was amazed at the sidekick although she said nothing surprises her anymore.
I hope everyone has a happy halloween at their various parties. have fun twisted meeting haikuster twisted, I hope it happens.
10/30/2004 20:53 #31367
Party Preparation Begins
We stopped out at the liquor store to get ready. Looks like chocolate martinis are on the guest list.
10/30/2004 20:16 #31366
Tasty Freakin Chicken Gumbo
I love eating at Globe Market, there soups are so tasty.
10/30/2004 19:48 #31365
Eating Category: food
I haven't eaten since 2pm yesterday which was my only meal that day. Now I am mega super hungry so (e:terry) and I headed down to Globe Market for some tasty gourmet treats. I order sausage gumbo, a mesclun salad, and terry got a quesedia.