Speaking of California, my parents were getting my Dad's car fixed while he was in Malibu, CA for some sort of insurance conference. I also got a call from (e:iriesara) who I hadn't spoken with in a while. She lives in San Diego and called to say that she missed me and that she is thinking about getting married sometime in the future to her boyfriend. I am very happy for her.
She also called to remind me not to vote for Bush, I guess, in case I had slipped off the deep end. I never thought that she and I would ever be separated for so long by so many miles. I hope someday we will finally be close enough to walk to her house again.
Here is a picture thjat sums it all up. I know I posted before but it was last winter. That is my and (e:iriesara) on the left. We were rockstars of social justice back in our days at Kenmore middle. Look how inocent we look - we wern't.