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10/14/2004 15:21 #31325

Even clowns have to buy shoes online
I never really thought about this but there are stores where you can uy clown shoes. I was looking fro shoes designs for my latest avatar and these came up on google.


10/14/2004 14:32 #31324

Speaking of California
I spent lunch with my mom who had made a Thanksgiving meal complete with turkey, stuffing, asparagus, yams, squah, mushroom, etc. Unfortunately, I woke up late so I only had about 20 minutes to eat it and drop her off at the mechanics. As a side note I have a great mechanic. It's "C and K Car Care" on Amherst St. near main St.

Speaking of California, my parents were getting my Dad's car fixed while he was in Malibu, CA for some sort of insurance conference. I also got a call from (e:iriesara) who I hadn't spoken with in a while. She lives in San Diego and called to say that she missed me and that she is thinking about getting married sometime in the future to her boyfriend. I am very happy for her.

She also called to remind me not to vote for Bush, I guess, in case I had slipped off the deep end. I never thought that she and I would ever be separated for so long by so many miles. I hope someday we will finally be close enough to walk to her house again.

Here is a picture thjat sums it all up. I know I posted before but it was last winter. That is my and (e:iriesara) on the left. We were rockstars of social justice back in our days at Kenmore middle. Look how inocent we look - we wern't.


10/12/2004 22:37 #31323

The site
I love going to people's houses and seeing the site on their screens.

10/12/2004 20:29 #31322

I need to stop eating at the Korean restaurant at UB. I am making too much trash. For example, here is what Combo #1 looks like when done. Doesn't it remind you of mcDonalds in the 80's with styrofoam everything. Maybe I should just start bringing my own bowl!


10/12/2004 20:27 #31321

Pei-yun Lee
Today's epoetics course was computerless unless you count the computer that ran a video camera and lighting system.

Pei-yun Lee is a tiawanese student in my class. For her performance she projected what appeared to be chinese character onto her body and then wrote them on her clothes as we read a paper based poem aloud. The whole thing was video taped. Most of us looked up at her for a couple seconds at the beginning and then focused on our papers and began reading aloud.

We had assumed that because we couldn't comprehend the characters we could simply ignore them.

The irony of it all was that the characters were really in english just written to look like chinese characters. I will have to get a picture from her next week so you can see.

So the point is that while she was upfront performing, we became absorbed with ourselves and our reading and didn't pay attention when it was actually written in english but with a peculiar outward appearance. This really demonstrates how many foreigners must feel.

Afterward, she mentioned that this is the case and that as an example, when she is at the supermarket and asks for beef, the worker would often respond saying, "what" even though s/he knew what she said. Simply assumming a misunderstanding because she looked foreign.

I remember this cleary when I was in Germany. Although, I could speak quite fluently at the time, people would sometimes not understand because they noticed I was a foreigner and assumed they wouldn't understand me and therfore didn't pay attention.

Ok, I'm off to (e:southernyankee) 's for her and (e:tina)'s birthday.