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10/06/2004 00:29 #31292

Greater Buffalo Blog
I found this to a local blog that is "The campaign for greater buffalo History, architecture and culture" Does anyone know who these people are?


10/06/2004 00:02 #31291

Category: hardware
I thought I was high tech with my sidekick but check out the stuff at dynamism They carry the new Sony u70, a 1.2 lb minitop that has a 20GB hard drive and runs windows XP.


(e:chris) , check out this new one from sharp, doe sit remind you of the sidekick


10/05/2004 20:13 #31290

Reality blogging
I can't tell you what exactly we were talking about because it's top secret.

paulsidekick: it's like the next level of reality blogging
lwist: ha!
paulsidekick: lol
lwist: reality blogging. I love that.
paulsidekick: I want to do it before MTV does
lwist: you should trademark it

Talk about zeitgeist, I looked up "Reality Blogging" after our conversation and it's already out there , but the next level isn't.

10/05/2004 15:54 #31289

I decided to visit Kosta's for 'unch for several reasons. First, at a party someone told me that it was better than Pano's and seeing I don't eat at Panols anymore I figured why not try it.

It was mega-delicious. I has pan seared scallops, but I'll save my review for the restaurant site. What I wanted to talk about here was the building itself. While, I by no means want to see panos tear down the atwater house, I think that they could have made a compromise by making the building more interesting.. Let's face it. Pano's is really ugly. I mean great, they have paneling, etc but the building itself is so unattractive. If and when he demolishes the Atwater house for the parking lot, he should rebuild the building too. In the curent plans I have seen it looks the same with just an extended patio. A patio ! a permanent structure. If Pano's ever leavees or goes out of business, there won't even be a real building space there just a giant removeable patio.

I think Kosta's did a really good job with their building. Hopefully Pano will consider something nicer.


10/05/2004 14:36 #31288

Coffee Bean Cafe Closed
My class was cancelled so I decided on the way back from some errands to stop at the Coffee Bean Cafe on Main St across from UB South Campus. I figured I would review it for but it looks closed. Not like in a closed for the day kind of way, but in a closed permanently kind of way. That's sad it was tasty and the atmosphere was great.

I did, however, notice that their is a new tea cafe named Tea Ming Cafe next door. It looks like a fun place to sip some tea. Anyone wanna go check it out with me sometime