I get so much junkmail at one of my email account. I wish I had the ability to meet these jerks face to face so I could rip their eyes out. This one is so weird. It doesn't have any links just this ridiculous text. I thought somebody might find it funny.
From: seth lu <kaenachzden@my-cats.com> To: delbert rupke Subject: I think this is useful to many jacobsen Date: Tue, 05 Oct 2004 22:44:50 +0900
half-effaced hand-painted incs harlis hhinn U2 game-cock iridum
The fully stocked R(X
Maria is a devout Catholic. (No condoms for her!) She gets married and has 17 children...and then her husband dies. She remarries two weeks later...and has 22 children by her second husband. She dies.
A. An airbag.
Paul's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/05/2004 13:29 #31286
Does anyone else Get these10/05/2004 00:33 #31285
Driverguide.comI don't know if this has happend to any of you but i found that I needed a driver at driverguide.com
and I had to fill out their stupid questionaires for the tenth time to get it. Each time I foret the code they send via email. Each time it is the same. So here it is for me to remember. Feel free to use it as well.
USER NAME is: driver2
PASSWORD is: all

USER NAME is: driver2
PASSWORD is: all
10/04/2004 11:18 #31284
Official Launch of first e:peeps moduleI am officially launching the first epeeps module peer based restaurant review
that epeeps.net/restaurant. Anyone can add a restaurant, any can review a restaurant and tell how you feel about your local eating experience. Other users can read the data and search for enrties. There is even a mozilla toolbar plugin so you can search from the convenience of your toolbar.
[size=m]Mobility = fun[/size]
While you can easily use the site from your desktop, the site is currently certified to work on t-mobile's sidekick BW, color I and II
with more conventional cell phones being added later this week. The idea is that you can review the restaurants on your mobile while eating at them.

[size=m]Whats Innovative?[/size]
There is no login or password, the way it works is that you can review a restaurant and then have five minutes to edit your review from your computer/phone before it becomes a "permanant" review of the establishment.
[size=m]Peep Perks?[/size]
If you come to the site while logged into the elmwood site it will simply say how many epeeps are present and allow you to have your name in the chat. Guests can remain completely anonymous or use your real name. You can add regular links by typing them and "e" links and inlinks to link back to your journal if you want.
[size=m]More to say?[/size]
I want to create the largest purely peer driven of consumer restaurant data in Buffalo. If it is sucessful I will expand it to other cities. This is also only one many many epeeps.net
modules to be released this year. You all are the test audience so send me feedback.
Please add any restaurants you can think of, make sure to have as complete of data as possible e.g. phone number, addr, web add, etc. You do not need to review a restaurant to add one.

[size=m]Mobility = fun[/size]
While you can easily use the site from your desktop, the site is currently certified to work on t-mobile's sidekick BW, color I and II

[size=m]Whats Innovative?[/size]
There is no login or password, the way it works is that you can review a restaurant and then have five minutes to edit your review from your computer/phone before it becomes a "permanant" review of the establishment.
[size=m]Peep Perks?[/size]
If you come to the site while logged into the elmwood site it will simply say how many epeeps are present and allow you to have your name in the chat. Guests can remain completely anonymous or use your real name. You can add regular links by typing them and "e" links and inlinks to link back to your journal if you want.
[size=m]More to say?[/size]
I want to create the largest purely peer driven of consumer restaurant data in Buffalo. If it is sucessful I will expand it to other cities. This is also only one many many epeeps.net

Please add any restaurants you can think of, make sure to have as complete of data as possible e.g. phone number, addr, web add, etc. You do not need to review a restaurant to add one.
10/03/2004 21:14 #31283
Projects and Creationism 2.0Hey Ajay,
I you have some free time tomorrow I would like to meet up with you to discuss my newest project. I think you will like it.
To everyone else,
Sorry that I have neglected you all this weekend. I know that I turned down everybody in order to "hang out " with my computer but I am working on a really worthwhile project and I hope you will all enjoy it in the end. Brian is in town and we are going out to eat tonight.
I have had such an evolution in ideas. I would like to see it work out.
[size=m]Creationism 2.0[/size]
Has anyone read about this new pseudo scientific creationists trying to push creationism back into the public high schools. Believe it or not they have actually had some success although, I think it is clear that they are just manipulating the system and people's ignorance.
There is an article
in Wired magazine this month about them. I am so tired of hearing about this but maybe someone hear find it interesting or just wants to poke fun at them. if New York schools fall for this it would be really sad.
I you have some free time tomorrow I would like to meet up with you to discuss my newest project. I think you will like it.
To everyone else,
Sorry that I have neglected you all this weekend. I know that I turned down everybody in order to "hang out " with my computer but I am working on a really worthwhile project and I hope you will all enjoy it in the end. Brian is in town and we are going out to eat tonight.
I have had such an evolution in ideas. I would like to see it work out.
[size=m]Creationism 2.0[/size]
Has anyone read about this new pseudo scientific creationists trying to push creationism back into the public high schools. Believe it or not they have actually had some success although, I think it is clear that they are just manipulating the system and people's ignorance.
There is an article

10/03/2004 13:03 #31282
The statistics depend on a lot moreDan, I read you journal everytime but I read it on rss or via email, so most of the time it doesn't count as a view. I don't know what to do about the increasing popularity of rss vs the want to have more accurate statistics. What do you think? Should I have it count each journal sent out as rss as a view? That can be innaccurate too because sometime I don't read all the journal sent to me as email or rss.
My new project is moving along. I expect a Tuesday release date then the first epeeps peer review module will be complete. It's actually almost done right now but I want to rest before I test it more. It is amazing what one can do without sleep. I actually prefer those straight through dvelopment periods followed by long nights of rest. I think to much about my projects to nap before a finish large portions. Otherwise I just dream about it. I can't tell you how many PHP dreams I have now. Sometimes, I figure out great stuff.
My new project is moving along. I expect a Tuesday release date then the first epeeps peer review module will be complete. It's actually almost done right now but I want to rest before I test it more. It is amazing what one can do without sleep. I actually prefer those straight through dvelopment periods followed by long nights of rest. I think to much about my projects to nap before a finish large portions. Otherwise I just dream about it. I can't tell you how many PHP dreams I have now. Sometimes, I figure out great stuff.