I hope you keep a journal about the development of your site and didn't do the one time promotional journal thing like (e:hesperus)
I've seen that happen time and time again and it never works, because as soon as your name leaves the top twelve list and never returns, you become history and that no one will search for it. . If that's what you want you are much better off with craig's list

So the epeeps.net

The idea being that because the reviews are written by people easting at the restaurant they would tend to be more fair than say if they were written by the restaurant or other reviewers who were often getting paid to eat or given a free meal.
Much like the journals, users would be able to upload pictures of their food (of course right from their mobile phone), talk about the service, the selection, proces, location, etc. Because anyone is able to review the restaurants it should begin to provide a fair description. At least more well rounded.
While a vegetarian reviewing Casa Di Pizza may have a different opinion than a meat eater or gluten intolerant person, having all three reveiew the same place would provide a fair and balanced depiction, at least in my opinion.
So who is interested? Pelase IM me at paulsidekick or email me.