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Paul's Journal

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09/29/2004 16:06 #31274

Total Words
Now that i have reorganzied the way that the toal number of words per user is calculated, I can make quick calculations for the site. So on the home page (e:info) you can now find total words for the site listed in the site statistics. We are almost at 1,000,000 words written - 940,728 to be exact. I guess these words will get added to that. We should definately have a 1,000,000 words party. I remember when we celebrated 1,000,000 letters!

09/29/2004 11:59 #31273

Morning Banter and Radio Issues
Would anyone like to host a radio show? You could send us the show on CD or we could arrange to host it live. Just IM me "paulsidekick" if you are interested.

Is there anyone who would like to be sending pictures from their phone-cam to their journals but doesn't know how. If so, feel free to IM me about that to.

So I have about 10 site projects going on and I can't decide whch ones to focus on anymore. I would tell you all about them but then I would have to kill all of you as they are top secret, hahaha.

Today my students are going to end up putting their 3D models into some web interactive format. I wish Canisius would buy at least one adequate PC for school because so many things are not possible on a mac. Not that macs are that bad, and it is getting better all the time, but one functional PC with a decent graphics card is not asking to much.

09/28/2004 19:31 #31272

Basic CSS

<style type="text/css">


<p class="green">Here i am</p>

09/28/2004 14:45 #31271

Thank bob for kimgod. I purposely mixed that up. I love kimbob, even the cheap cafteria stuff. Who would have thought that ham and sushi could be one. I actually makes me question bacon wrapped sushi? Now that would be a fusion kitchen extravaganza.

paul - 04/24/11 23:21
I think this might be the only thing I miss about UB.

09/28/2004 14:27 #31270

This will be the last time I talk about the tos. Mike, I was not censoring his childish comments. I have never censored anything accept for one incedent where a woman from florida signed up for an account and started posting hardcore lesbian porn and sending hate mail to people.

With ed's comments, I was enforcing the tos which said that peeps could not use the services without agreeing to the tos. The chat is included as an eservice. I left the second one that he posted before I had time to change the code to not accept chatter from non tos-accepting peeps, because I figured someone would accuse me of censoring it. I am still very angry that he never contacted me or even asked about it.

This topic is irritating me beyond belief. If you want to ditch out and have donation back because your vision of the site has been crushed than fine, just ask. If you and ed want to go back to participating and being invloved in the community I think that would be great too.

Either way, I am 100% no longer interested in the issue and I don't have time for it anymore. While you all just come here to write and play, I also work here. I put in about 8 hours a day helping new people, working on code, dealing with the server admin, etc. I would like to go back to spending my time on devlopment for the many appreciative epeeps instead of wasting time time on one angry epeep and his sidekick. I will no longer be writing about the tos unless there are updates.