Okay, this is digusting but my mom said my dad ate the spam without cooking it. This is weird because I kind of remember him eating spam when I was a kid and he always fried it like one fries bologna. He said it had a jelly texture.
I found another pack of spam singles in the house. I am not sure who their target market is but read this:
Slogan on the front - It's so quick and easy! Just rip and tear your way to crazy tasty(tm) town!
Can you believe they trademarked crazy tasty town.? Here is some more text from the very entertaining package.
SPAM(r) Singles are already cooked. This might just blow your mind. For you own safety, stop thinking about how easy SPAM(r) singles will make your life. It's time to enjoy.
Take another bite and throw your head back and think wonderful thoughts of faraway places while you chew. Like a magical SPAM (r) castle in the sky and what a delicious and convenient visit you'd have. This is the meaning of SPAM(r) Singles.