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09/24/2004 17:33 #31253

Fall is really coming
Although, it is warm out the leaves are finally changing. Let's all make bets on the first day of snow. I say Nov 4th.



09/24/2004 18:50 #31252

Steve Kurtz Update from Channel 2
This is a direct quote from channel two news:

Does anyone else have updated news from a non-telvision news dsource.

UB Artist Back at Work with Bio-Materials

Posted by: Julie Wolfe, Reporter
Created: 9/24/2004 7:20:20 AM
Updated: 9/24/2004 7:21:07 AM

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) -- A University at Buffalo artist is resuming his work following a criminal indictment over biological materials he uses.

Steven Kurtz is scheduled to participate in the Cinema-texas festival in Austin this weekend and plans presentations in Montreal and New York City over the next few months. The art professor pleaded innocent to mail and wire fraud charges in a June indictment accusing him of improperly obtaining bacterial agents.

Fellow artists have rallied in support of Kurtz while raising concerns over the rights of privacy and artistic and academic freedom.

In Texas, he will discuss projects of the Critical Art Ensemble he founded. A paper being presented in Montreal will address germ warfare and the negative effect on public health policy.

Critical Art Ensemble has used human D-N-A and other bio-materials in works meant to draw attention to political and social issues.

09/24/2004 15:07 #31251

Paypal alternative?
[inlink]sqb,150[/inlink] I would like to continue having a donation button on the the site so that people can donate but I am a little leary about dealing with paypal since reading this from (e:sqb) 's journal. Does anyone know of a good alternative. I have no problem switching.

09/24/2004 13:00 #31250

The Cat Stevens Drama
Category: religion
Cat Stevens, whose name is now Yusuf Islam showed up on some US terror list which resulted in the forced landing of a plane he was on and his denial of entry into the US. I totally understand why people are outraged that some innocent person could show up on a list and cause such drama in our present terror state of alert. And I realize this is just another part of Big Brother getting bigger but I have to question what makes us assume that because someone wrote music in the 70s that they couldn't be a terrorist now.

I am not suggesting that Cat Stevens is a terrorist, I am just saying that because someone was famous at one point in American pop culture doesn't make them innocent.

Cat Stevens himself is a little too weird for me. I guess I really don't understand people that are so commited to any religion that they feel it appropriate to change their name. Esther(madonna) is at the top of that list. He started out as Stephen Georgiou, then changed his name to Cat Stevens, and is now Yusuf Islam. People that do that weird me out. What are they so unconfortable with that they radically change their name. Its not like changing from Bryan to Brian. It's like name plastic surgery.

Quote from -
He abandoned his music career in the late 1970s and changed his name after being persuaded by orthodox Muslim teachers that his lifestyle was forbidden by Islamic law. He later became a teacher and an advocate for his religion, founding a Muslim school in London in 1983.

So my question is really why can't Yosuf Islam be a terrorist?


09/23/2004 18:32 #31249

Spectropolis - I am so isolated
I want to go to the spectropolis 2004 in NYC on Oct 2. Spectropolis workshops offer an up-close look at wireless communication technologies and opportunity for hands-on play and participation. Anyone want to travel to NY with me for this one?

Wait, I changed my mind. I don't want to particpate, I want to host my own event here. Who is in for this, ajay? Why don't we push wireless art/communication events in Buffalo. i mean after all it's a much smaller city that would be way easier to unwire than NYC, right?

(e:rachel) , you would really like the GPS drawings . They are the most fantasic idea.
