Here I am enjoying one last sunny day while the computer continues to write poetry for me under my command.
My favorite 4 year old boots
Here is the newest one, the seed for it must come from
(e:flacidness) 's journal.
simulated his,
of do eve just he way him,
gets things my the in.
A different one. I can't stand it I am addicted to seeing what they say and its with me one my phone.
colonie every new,
went thing is car bed.
Sitting here on the cell phone in a sunny field having the site recite poetry for me, rocks. I will definately continue to develop this.
I keep wondering, by creating the alogorhythm for the poem, am I creating the poem. Is my poem the script or the final product? Is it both? Does the person who wrote the original content or the person who type haiku have a role in the process? When the user types haiku they are selecting a particular point in time that seeds the whole process. Without that click the poem doesn't exist. But typing haiku doesn't make poems in itself. You can obviosuly type haiku in many places and not produce anything.
Here is the whole process: User types haiku:
~Random number is seeded by time of request
script selects a random user and counts entries.
script then selects a random entries from all of the user entries
words are counted for syllables
syllable list and word list are combined
list is sorted
words are selected to fill the syllable requirement for each row without going over, if the word fits within the rows required syllable requirement it is added to the poem otherwise, the next word is selected
when the syllable requirement is fullfilled punctuation is added and the next line begins. repeat process untill ssyllable reaches 17 then exit loop
Deleware near Lexington
Elmwood Near Lexington
Some Street - does anyone know?
UB CFA field looking across lake
UB field Looking toward the Student Union