I am also working on developing some new stuff and a new look although that might have to wait till my other projects are done.
Today, I sent an article about our site to Alt Press

[size=m]Art Voice[/size]
When I wrote to artvoice telling them about the site, I thought they would be excited about the development of a free local site where people could have a "local" voice on the internet. I was kind of hoping for an article but instead was offered a classified ad for free or a $500 spread. I was not interested in spending $500 on them. I chose neither. I have worked so hard for this project to be free and I felt like they were trying to exploit me.
Then I had a similar experience with Buffalo.com. No need to retell it here, you can read it on the entry from the time it happend [inlink]paul,1818[/inlink].
[size=m]West Side Times[/size]
Then we wrote to the west side times. Didn't even get a response!
I guess that is why we created this site in the first place - as a way to circumvent the old media barriers to publication.
So anyhow, I am being brave and writing to Alt Press