I received a phone call from Tony Violanti at the Buffalo News for an interview about web pages. (e:holly) said that they had called Medaille

He asked me a lot of questions about web design in general and what I thought about it. One question he posed is, "Should people start their own webpages?" another question was, "Should people learn to code web pages or use deisgn programs such as Dreamweaver?"
I responded that everyone who feels that they have something important to say should have a web page. I also said that I encourage people to learn HTML from the ground-up as HTML coding is not that difficult and quickly becomes routinea dn used the intro students at Canisius as an exmaple. While some of them find coding daunting at first, they easily pick it up and can transfer the code from making one site to the next.
I explained that I created this site for people who have something to say but are unable to web program or are simply interested in drawing from the larger audience offered by the site. I also mentiioned that our readershp statistics reflect peoples interest in reality programming on televsion and in gerneral. People simply love to learn about the lives of others and when it can be people within their community it makes it even more interesting because they can meet each other.
[size=m]What do you guys think about it? Why do you keep a journal here?[/size]