This article

from Ajay's journal [inlink]ajay,57[/inlink].
I don't want the soldiers to be trained to better cope with killing. First of all, as we are not living in a time of draft, I have no respect for their "innocense" and hope they all suffer and die with the same enthusiasm that they kill others.
I will never believe any of that poor people with no better alternative then selling their souls to the big killers crap. Personally, I would rather have them turn to jesus, sell drugs, get an education, or join gangs and kill each other in their own country. I see no reason it should be condoned that they should allowed to kill people in other countries.
Do we really want our soldiers to have the type of psychological training where they can simply cope/ignore the downside of killing? Does everybody realize they are coming home at some point? What types of propagandist excuses would they have to learn in order to feel better about killing and have less psychological side-effects?
I hope they all come home and shoot up woman and children at shopping malls and restaurants. Then maybe the people of America would think differently before they sent our young, vulnerable, mental softies to war again.
Does anyone remember or did any of the soldiers read about how people treated the vietnam vets when they came home. Because, the same thing is going to happen and many of them were draftees not volunteers. This is not going to be like WWII. Many people will not respect them but see them as ignorant pawns of the government and many of them will not adjust very well. Especially, if our regime changes and the war is not constantly bolstered by the neverending bullshit that the regime feeds us to uphold its necessity.
Let's also not forget how many street and near-street people here in our own e-town are vietnam vets which seems to be an obvious sign of mal-adjustment.
When I was at my father's house a couple weeks back, he told me that one of his friends who ended up in vietnam is really fucked up still. One time on the fourth of july, he freaked out during the fireworks and sat outside with weapons in his driveway to "protect" his family. That is scary, I don't even want to deal with these killers when they come home and I especially don't want them to trained to cope better with killing.
What happens when they move next store to a middle eastern family? What about all the middle eastern run convenient store workers and owners? Can they ever feel safe when these people return home?
I think soldier killers that volunteered and were not drafted should have to register as trained killers (like sex offenders) so that we can better protect ourselves from them in our neighborhoods.