The two best were a sign that said "Believe now or suffer the consequences" with a giant sickle on it and another that listed all the people that would go to hell including my all time favorite - rebellious woman, catholics, mormons, budhists, partiers, pot heads, etc.
All of their womanfolk were wearing full length little house on the prairie dresses with sandals while some of the men were dressed in militant-style clothing. it was freaky to say the least and there was a police line around them.
This is only a fraction of the total protesters.

At one point, a younger guy from their group came over and gave me one of those Christian comic books - I am making my own one currently. I smiled, took it and in the most mixed message ever way threw it on the ground at his feet. Needless to say he got mega-angry and turned red like he was going to punch me. Then something happend and he was overcome by "Jesus" or the the fact that all his "christian" friends were watching him and said "let me pic that up for you and then walked away."
I felt like Satan tempting Jesus.
Anyways, I feel bad for the real Christians who get a bad name from these hate mongers. They were the same people that threatened to protest at our house a couple years back because I messed with the one guys video camera while he was filming around our house. They protested on the corner with loud speakers and told us it was their right, so (e:terry) got out and mowed the lawn (very loud) until they left.
On another note. I noticed everythign is becomming When at the square just about everything had a address. It is definately mainstream now. HEre is a pic from the continental.

Also, on the way there (e:rachel) and I were ebhind this hard core Bush campaign and anti-mariage car. I got out at the light and took a picture of there mariage = man + woman bumper sticker. I am sure this is probably illegal and they must have thought I was doing something to their car but it's not like they were being secret about their agenda.