07/18/2004 12:37 #31084
wedding with Rachel07/16/2004 20:43 #31083
Dickies Cell Phone PantsNothing is more satisfying than shopping with the sidekick and camera assessory. Everything I wanted to buy, I would simply take a picture of. I think my mother would greatly benefit from having one of these, because one of the main reasons people shop for crap things is to show them to other people when they get home.
Look what I found at Target. Dickies cell phone pants. It's weird to think that rugged pants like Dickies should have a pocket for something that seems so delicate. My favorite part it that it is advertised as an exclusive cell-phone pocket. What makes it exclusive?
07/16/2004 17:24 #31082
Response to LowercaseHey Lowercase, I wrote a giant reponse to your question asking if everyone knows each other and at the end I added another inlink and found a bug in my owncode that deletes what yyou have written in an inlink box if you add a second inlink. Argh!
Anyhow, when I went back your entry appeared to be gone, I encourage you to repost itso other people get a chanceto answer the question.
There are basically several tangentially related groups that have come to know each other well through the site. Many people have been on the site since fall of 2003 so it's been a while.
I know most of the people now, although there are still some I have never met. I would like the site to include all walks of people but currently most people are ages 20-35. I am 27 as are a large group of other people. Mike jil, beast and their friends are in there 20s. Robin, terry, matthew, a many other are 23-25. There are some younger and older but they haven't written much. There are 100 people signed up but only 77 have written journals.
The reason that people are related in one way or another has to do with the fact that I have a zero dollar advertising budget. Originally, during the first year, it was all done through word of mouth. Then this spring a couple of us decided to do chalk adverising on sidewalks, jill sewed the banner on my house and I made flyers (total cost 50 dollars). We also started handing the flyers out at some bars.
I wrote to artvoice to ask them to do an article and they told me it would cost 500 dollars for a half page! Which I think I shitty of them considering we are a not for profit, local community group. It actually makes me really angry. I would love to have 300 people by fall and bring in a lot more unrelated people but I'm not sure what to do, any ideas?
I originally made the site to combat the isolation from local community that results from participation in many online communities. Once the code is finally all worked out, I would like to start other local sites usingit including a site specifically for senior citizens to meet.
I am also working on epeeps.net a social networking tool for finding out who is where, what's going on,reviews, etc. It is probably going to happen sometime this fall but I'm not sure. The programming behind all of this was done by me.
To help you andother people see who knows who, although I can say everyone seems to know everyone now, I added another row to show referral on the status page, accessed by clicking on the questionmark in your control panel. You can click on the column name at the top to sort by that category and it will giveyou an idea ofhow people found the site.
I hope this helps, and please go ahead and convince all your friends to join too! and ifyou have any ideas how to make this more usuable and comfortable for new people, feel free to express it on your journal or via email. If you ever want to meet up for coffee to discuss it, feel free to email me.
07/16/2004 04:40 #31081
New Images For JosephineI am still working on josephine's project
The Trial The Trail this summer. Here is my latest 3D adaption from the 2D storyboard.
This is one of the red characters from the bottom left panels. It still has no tetxure or paint.
With no ball on top
With the ball on top
07/16/2004 03:43 #31080
Dreams of Dancing MidgetsAfter epeeps night at the pink we stopped out to see the dancers.
(e:chris) took some pics for you viewing pleasure. Here is a cross dressing midget dancer named Sabrina. I got free pop from ricky martin.
(e:mike) you missed it all but are probably having more fun in florida.