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Paul's Journal

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06/23/2004 23:44 #31030

Coffee & Stickboy
We came out to see (e:stickboy) at Coffee & for open mic night.


At around 9 we found (e:stickboy) and he found the boy in this picture entitled, Brian & the Boys - A Story of Gang Rape by Maggie Siggins ISBN 0-88862-658-4

Emily is also back in town. Here is some proof. More to come . . .


Stickboy hasn't spoken yet. I hope he does. Go to the midiprom at emily's on on Friday, June 25th. See (e:emily) for more info


06/24/2004 05:04 #31029

AIM Integration
Although, I appear to always been online.


Really, just my phone is. However, you can always send me a message though, and I will get it when I return to my phone, which is often. It is the best way to conatct me.

06/23/2004 02:07 #31028

Production Reduction Whats Your . . .

May I also suggest RSS feeds for people who want to conveniently see the last twenty journal entries in an ultra fast and portable way, see the (e:info) journal's fav five for more info on how this works.

On another note I hate summer, I am not able to get anything done anymore. I have way too many social obligations. I want to be a cyborg in a desolate, winter landscape. 010010101...

06/22/2004 03:33 #31027

I met chief tonight. He really reminded me of Jacob, it was the shape of his nose and the passion in his voice. I think alcohol really fucked him up.
I was drawn to listening to his stories. He gave me one of them if I promised to give it back. I'm not sure what I want to say about this yet, but I feel like he was be a node on (e:peeps) or at least he will inspire the existence of the nodes.
I need to talk with julie.

06/23/2004 01:59 #31026

More Posts are Available
Just click the "...more" link at the bottom of the list. It will list every post in chronological order. If it had to load into a scroll section each time the page would take longer to load which would be noticeable on slower commputers