This is my favorite picture from the site. It is Tony Conrad. I heart Tony Conrad even though we have never really spoken. It has been on my "to do" list since 8 months ago. I need to talk with him to graduate and I somehow can never get the courage up to do it. One time, I actually met him and said, I need to talk to you so I can graduate, although I honetsly question if graudation will ever happen now that I have lost interest.
I asked if we could set up a meeting and he said sure. I said I would send him an email. He repsonded, "Does that really sound like a good idea to you." In my head I thought, "yes, it sounds like a good idea, I am a child of the information revolution." Then he said, "email is not good for setting up appointments and to call him on the phone at his house."
Everyone that knows me, knows that I am crippled by fear of talking on the phone. I hate it more than anything. On a funny side note, one time I even used that service for deaf people, where you type and they talk for you, just to avoid talking on the phone.
So after a couple days, I got up the courage to call him and then he never called back. Sorry I really don't have an ending for this one except that it's still on the to do list.