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Paul's Journal

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05/22/2004 20:49 #30937

Where is this?
It's a secret for now, but its pretty.

05/22/2004 14:23 #30936

Paul Visco
I was juist searching again on google and ever since I changed the system, our journals started showing up more on google. It is really sad for wilson's farms that many of them point to the day when I saw the incedent with the homeless man there. Try search under elmwood strip wilson's farms or elmwood strip environment They both show it. I have no control over this.

Try searching under elmwood strip fish and you will get Diana's entry that had soemthing to do with fish as the number one result. This makes Matthew mad because he writes copious amounts about fish, and yet his results don't show. What is the secret, Mr. Google?

Paul Visco is a person that is testing to see if this journal is read by google. If it is this journal when show up when you search for Paul Visco on google.

05/22/2004 12:55 #30935

Radio is On and Off to see Brian
The radio is on today after a long pause. Please check it out. The Radio archives have also been updated. Instructions for accessing both are found on the radio journal. Look in the fav five section.

We are off to see Terry's friend Brian in some far away place. I wonder if we will really get to see him or if something will come up inbetween. Now that I have no cell phone power anymore, I have a nervous feeling about being far away in the car. I really miss having it. Its like having always been connected and then switching to never being connected. I feel stupid without my google mainstream 24/7. What happens if we get into an argument and we don't have access to the defining answer. Will it never end?

05/21/2004 20:41 #30934

A New Day - I Need a PR Agent
So I didn't get to directly work on the site at all today. Although, after looking at it again today, I am still pleased with the new scheme. It will at least work for a little while. Instead I spent the day trying to install Suse Linux 9.1 on the server with my ATI fireGL X1. Somehow, for a kick ass graphics card, it doesn't like to play well with others. Or maybe that's why it doesn't play well with others.

On another note, E-town dropped about 20 degrees in the last hour, but without my cell-phone I couldn't tell you exact details. It is still out of commision untill I get a AC adapter for it. It kind of kills me that I pay for it if I use it or not.

I have so many ideas for the site. Today I started working on a modem system so you can call in journal entries on a phone. I also started to think about moving it onto my own server, but that would require dollars which I do no have. Not for the server, which I can already provide, but for the internet connection. I am looking at about $79.00/month. Maybe its time to really start looking for a grant. It is so hard to get motivated to do everything. I mean I don't mind the tech and design stuff but when it comes to promotion and funding, I really need a qualified PR person. I am already consumed enough with the coding. Maybe I could get a PR sponsor somehow, any ideas mike?

05/21/2004 05:14 #30933

Repulsive Serenity in Cell Phone Pics
I decided to see how much I could do with one cell phone pic of my face. I tried to make myself as ugly as possible by using parts together, that don't belong. I should really just go to bed so that tomorrow will happen. There is lots more work to be done in the daylight.





In case you don't know what I look like without digital mixup on, here is a [inlink]paul,919[/inlink] to a journal entry with my picture untouched so you can compare.