Paul's Journal
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05/18/2004 22:35 #30929
Sarah and Paul and the Bus05/18/2004 21:55 #30927
Sarah at the Old HouseHere is a picture of Sarah in front of the old house by the coop. It made me wonder what will happen to thelexington community once the coop pulls out. I mean,will the other little businesses survive, or are their profits based around the coop's member shopping there. The cashier said that the coop will be moving in six months. I guess it will be convenient to have them next store again.

05/18/2004 21:51 #30926
Nektir Burned Down05/18/2004 21:41 #30925
Just wait one cotton pickin' minute
Quote from the tradiotional values coalition website

Today (05-17-04) at 10 am a group of approximately 60 African-American Pastors from across the nation gathered together on Capitol Hill to speak out against homosexual marriage and civil unions. These men and women represent millions of African-American congregational constituents."
Do these black people not remember how white people felt about there civil rights?!? I think it is like the pot calling the kettle black, haha.