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05/20/2004 14:27 #30931

AOL CDs are getting even more insane
I thought I had seen the most ridiculous waste of raw material when AOL had the giant plastic DVD movie cases for the junkmail copies of AOL, the ones that are sent to your door. Then they came out with the metal ones, and I thought, "no way, how can they see it necessary to put this stupid shit in metal." I believe most people simply throw them out.

Well, they beat out my wildest dreams of wasted resourse use today, when I received my very first AOL disk in a quarter inch thick wooden box. I can't believe they invented a wooden box for those stupid CDs. We should really do something about this, but I have no idea what. Maybe we should do a mass AOL collection point, where we get them all in one big pile for the guiness book of world records for wasted materials.

Ironically, there was a little ad inside that said how annoying pop-up windows are and that you can stop them with AOL: keyword "popup" I really put these stupid CDs in the same category as POP up windows. Can we just a keyword to delte them from existence?!?

05/19/2004 03:42 #30930

Farmer's Market at bidwell
The farmers market is back again at elmwood and bidwell. This and every saturday from 8am to 1 pm
till Nov 1. Strive for five. Sorry about the nighttime picture. If you would like to see the sign for yourself it is on elmwood at bidewell on the west side of the street.


05/18/2004 22:35 #30929

Sarah and Paul and the Bus
Here is a pic of me and Sarah posed out front of the mysterious peace mobile bus across from Wilson's Farms. Hwo did it get there and more importantly, can I have a billboard size bus parked outside of my house with advertisements for the site.


05/18/2004 21:59 #30928

Here is a glimpse of the new Brodo resta
Category: elmwood
Of the new brodo.

05/18/2004 21:55 #30927

Sarah at the Old House
Here is a picture of Sarah in front of the old house by the coop. It made me wonder what will happen to thelexington community once the coop pulls out. I mean,will the other little businesses survive, or are their profits based around the coop's member shopping there. The cashier said that the coop will be moving in six months. I guess it will be convenient to have them next store again.
