Anyone want to go to the Artvoice Absolut party on Septemeber 12th to see if we came in as Buffalo's #1 blog site? It is Monday from 6-9PM. Maybe a bunch of us should go, it could be fun. I have a feeling that Buffalo Rising will win because they have more connections. I wish we wern't up against blogger blogs. I can't wait for them to release their new site.
(e:zack) says it will be awesome.
I think we are probably once of only a few commercial free community blog sites in the country. Maybe that will count for something.
I'll just have it detect linux and serve the link instead of the embedded object. I was able to make the 3gpp work on llinux with embedded real player but only if there was just 1 video per page. more than one video would kill it. Links will be easier.
I might get around to it, paul, when I have the time.
As you know there is no quicktime for linux. And firefox, bless its pointy wee head, doesn't have a working mime plugine editor at the moment.
If you are interested, i could give you a suggestion of how you could help people who are using operating systems such as linux or *bsd with no official quicktime releases experience the embedded video and audio - include the url of the actual file so that an external streaming player could be used and/or the file could be d/led and viewed offline. I know it's not very elegant. But it would be way better than an empty space. At least peeps that aren't using windows or osX would have a chance to listen and view the files.