Zack told me that he started running advertsiements in the closed circuit broadcasts at Sun Capsule and other locations. I would like to declare this the beginning of the upcomming guerilla advertising campaign. I would like to incourage each of you to promote the site locally by designing some sort of advertisment in whatever medium you feel most comfortable with. This could include talking for those of you who do not feel artistically inclined. OR bathroom grafitti at your local bar. I think bathroom grafitti is an excellent way to advertise anything. You can tell becauae the corporates started moving in those advertisement board right over the pisser. Do women have some sort of equivalent bathroom advertising going on?
By moving on to guerilla advertising, we will insure that there is absolutely no consistant look in the advertising and thus attract people from all different interests.
The only thing I ask is that if you do advertise, to please send me an electronic imprint of the advertismment. So lets say you make a giant banner or a statue, simply go ahead and take a picture. Same with bathroom grafitti. If for some reason you can't get a picture, post the location and I will arrange for one.
Then, you can just post the media to your journal. That way in the next couple weeks I can begin a advertisment gallery, where people can see what other e-strippers have come up with.
Maybe there should b a prize? Let's strive for 300 users?
News's Journal
My Podcast Link
05/07/2004 15:33 #29835
Guerilla Advertising05/04/2004 05:09 #29834
Resized Journal BoxThe scrolling journal box's height is now based on your screen height. I was getting so annoyed with the tiny box on my big screen but I didn't want to make it big for everyone. Well now its customizes to your screen size. Tell me if you have any problems. Hopefully, this will end the complaints about the tiny box.
05/02/2004 20:29 #29833
Advertsing with chalk sidewalk drawingsI have been thinking about ways to advertise the site and yet maintain the target audience we want. My newest idea is sidewalk advertising all over elmwood with a chalk medium. Any of you artists want to collaborate and make our online community grow. Maybe Jill?
04/30/2004 21:39 #29832
Click-publish box fixedI fixed an bug where the click-publish box published your journal but kept the information in there when you got returned back to it.
Sorry for an incovenience or confusion this may have caused.
Sorry for an incovenience or confusion this may have caused.
04/30/2004 02:10 #29831
I added the Click-Publish BoxThere is now a click-publish box on your journal when you log in. This was Terry's idea and I really like it. It allows you to quickly write a journal entry when logged in, without having to open a pop-up window. It is also great on the sidekick.