04/27/2004 02:48 #29828
Kimya Dawson Comes to Mohawk PL TongihtTonight Kimya Dawson will be playing at Mohawk Place with the butchies. Everyone should go see her. It will be great. If you don't know who she is check out her web-page!2
04/27/2004 00:34 #29827
Wedding Photos!04/26/2004 23:03 #29826
Errors with no feedbackWhy did nobody mention that none of the control panels were working on IE for Macintosh. I hope it is because none of you are using it anymore! That would be a fantastic step forwards.
04/22/2004 22:57 #29825
This is from Chiabiscoot's JournalThis is insane. I feel for you Swati and appologize on behalf of all Americans.
04/22/04 17:35
Mr. Bus Driver speaketh for the masses -
I ride the shuttle to school and yesterday i wanted to bomb one of them, seriously! As another brown skinned person and i tried to get into the bus, Mr. Driver yells "what do you think you are doing?"
we assume it is a joke and get in. then he enters and proceeds to say "you guys are the targets man. You enter the country as students and then start terrorist organizations." So I ask him "Sir, which kind of people are you talking about?" he points at me "you kind"
and then his friend enters and they proceed to talk about security measures and sleeper cells on campuses.
I am in a hurry to get to school so I don't know what else to do except curse the bastard and want to plant a bomb in his ass.
04/22/2004 05:31 #29824
Updates InfoI have changed a couple of things on the site.
login -
The login box is now located in the place where you control panel will appear once you log in.
chat -
I moved the last 3 lines of chat up to the top so that everybody would see it and know when other people were on. It works in a new way, where you do not have to refresh the whole page to update it, simple send some text, or click referesh and that tiny little window will update just itself.
BETTER NEWS: The full chat now auto refreshes every 5 seconds. You can click the numbers at the bottom of the full chat to change the number of previous lines you can see. Chat expires one month after it is typed.