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12/24/2003 02:32 #29734

Try Out The New Stylebox

So if the new audio and text chat wasn't enough, check out the new StyleBox, it allows you to simply input the text you want styled into the StyleBox above your journal entry and then click the style you want. The text will automatically be coded for that style in and inserted into your journal entry. The StyleBox and imageUploader are both avaiable in your QuickUpdate window. Check them out.

12/23/2003 22:27 #29733

New Text and Audio Chat
Well, the secret is finaly out. The new v1.0 (E:Audio) and Text Chat is working. You can access it by clicking on the Chat button at the top of the page. Using this you can have free conference calls with your elmwood friends. You will need a mic to speak and speakers to listen. Alternatively, it lets those of you without sound capabilities simply text chat with each other.

This Audio Chat is running of the server. If the server is off the chat room will not work. However, it is on most of the time and is the same server the radio runs on. If its off its because I forgot tho wake up and turn it on.

12/22/2003 18:07 #29732

Second Life Updates
Second Life Updates 3D Online World
Version 1.2 offers easier-to-use interface, virtual land auctions, Mac Version, and reduced pricing with a no-monthly-fees option for a one time fee of $9.95.

Anyone interested in starting a virtual elmwood 3D community? Email us if you are. My name is apfeljung in the world. IM me if you get there. I'll show you around.




12/21/2003 16:03 #29731

Elmwood Craziness for v1.8
So we pushed ahead to v1.8. I know v1.7 only had a day but the code changes were definately significant enough for another version change. Now you can upload one image to a new journal entry without having to go through your image library. I also reconfigured the update page so it looks nice.

Don't forget to add your new userSound to your userPic!

12/21/2003 07:49 #29730

Ver 1.7 Super Update
I could not sleep and decided to add one more requested feature. It is such an improvement that I am seriouly thinking about making it v1.8 tomorrow.

You now can add personalized voice and music messages for people who read your journal. Simply upload a wav, mid, or mp3 file up to 125k into the sound upload box on your update page. The user will then hear your file play when they click on your userPic.

Once you upload a file, your userName will have an "-S" next to it to alert readers that a new message has been added to your userPic. The system is the very same as with the "*" for journal updates.

I hope everyone enjoys this. Some people might just play music. Others, can leave political messages. I am seriously considering using mine as a sort of internet update as to where I am at that day. Kind of like an answering machine message.

More to come on this tomorrow. Simply click on the UserPics to hear a soundFile play. The Elmwood and Paul journals both have an S. I hope to see more Ss when everybody else wakes up. hahaha