We are ready to start advertsiing the site in order to gain more members. I would like to see numbers in the 100s by the spring. If everything works out I will then expand to new nodes for other neighborhoods around the city with the end goal being the development of a city wide journaling phenomena.
To do this I am going to both hand out flyers, as well as, hang banners around the neighborhood. If you have a house or public space somewhere around Elmwood, we could use your help. Also, if you have any other ideas or would like to help create the banners - please email them to us.
On another note, we would like to begin offerering free WIFI on elmwood. What we need are houses and businesses along the Strip to house the access points. Anyone have space to offer?
News's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/29/2003 14:11 #29737
Want to Help Out12/24/2003 02:53 #29735
Examples from the StyleBoxAll you do is type the text you want styled into your stylebox and then click on the appropriate style.
Here is what they look like:
This is one of the new styles. This is one of the new styles. This is one of the new styles. This is one of the new styles.
Here is what they look like:
This is one of the new styles. This is one of the new styles. This is one of the new styles. This is one of the new styles.
12/24/2003 02:32 #29734
Try Out The New StyleboxSo if the new audio and text chat wasn't enough, check out the new StyleBox, it allows you to simply input the text you want styled into the StyleBox above your journal entry and then click the style you want. The text will automatically be coded for that style in and inserted into your journal entry. The StyleBox and imageUploader are both avaiable in your QuickUpdate window. Check them out.
12/23/2003 22:27 #29733
New Text and Audio ChatWell, the secret is finaly out. The new v1.0 (E:Audio) and Text Chat is working. You can access it by clicking on the Chat button at the top of the page. Using this you can have free conference calls with your elmwood friends. You will need a mic to speak and speakers to listen. Alternatively, it lets those of you without sound capabilities simply text chat with each other.
This Audio Chat is running of the buffalo.kicks-ass.org server. If the server is off the chat room will not work. However, it is on most of the time and is the same server the radio runs on. If its off its because I forgot tho wake up and turn it on.
This Audio Chat is running of the buffalo.kicks-ass.org server. If the server is off the chat room will not work. However, it is on most of the time and is the same server the radio runs on. If its off its because I forgot tho wake up and turn it on.