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12/20/2003 00:43 #29727

Down Time and New Features
The site was down from 11:25 to 11:45 PM due do a mix up with a bad variable. Its back, nothing lost. Sorry about the inconvenience.

For those of you who signed up before last week, there will be a new REFERRAL BOX on your update page. Please select the user or source that referred you to the site. Once you select your referral and click the "submit referral" button, that form will no longer appear on your update page.

Users who recently signed-up will not be prompted, as they already answered that question when joining. Thank you for your time.

Your Update page also finally allows you to change your password. A feature requested by many users.

On a sideNote the site is totally functional on a TMobile sideKick. It automatically detects that it is being accessed from the sideKick and reformats the site accordingly. Chris also reported sucessfully updating his journal using his palm pilot connected via his bluetooth cellphone.

12/19/2003 21:49 #29726

it's time

Voting begins today for Voter Fund's Bush in 30 Seconds commercials.

There are over 1,000 commercials in the running, and 15 will be chosen as finalists. The winning commercial will be shown during the State of the Union address in January. Voting is only taking place in between now and December 30th, so register at and put in your two cents.

12/18/2003 19:56 #29725

Happy Birthday Jessica

I can't believe its that time of the year again. Happy BIrthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear jessica, happy birthday to you.

Hello Kitty and the Gang

12/16/2003 16:30 #29724

The radio is on by the way. Please tune and check it out.

12/16/2003 16:27 #29723

What going on?
Check Rachel's journal for a glimpse into the future of (e:strip). By the way thanks to everyone who listening to the 11 hours of Lord of The Rings on Sunday. We hope you enjoyed it. If you happend to listen to Terry's crazy rantings or our LOTR commercial and liked any of that you can find them all in the new Radio archive listed as E-Radio Archive under the userPics. I would suggest the Frodo Interview as a good pre-movie laugh tonight.

While we cannot offer content that we did not create in the archive, the plan is to offer everything that we broadcast live via our mic. After school is finally out, we hope to be bringing plenty more live content - hopefully some serious content as well.

Also, If you have a live show, pre-recorded show, music show you would like to host, please contact me and we can get it started, as soon as possible. It is very easy, and its open to anyone. Please send an email with your proposals to You can also try and contact us live at the station under the IM "elwmoodradio"