So the past couple days have been very career-oriented for me. I was called back for a second interview at an elementary school in West Seneca. I was pretty nervous and flat out didn't know the answer to a question - but I was honest with them about the fact that I didn't know! I figured they would rather me say "well to be totally honest I really don't remember and I wouldn't want to give you a long answer that is just plain wrong!" I was interviewed by 5 people, including the principal, the current pregnant music teacher and 3 other teachers. They had very good pokerfaces. Anyway, so I got chosen as one of the final 2 to be observed teaching a lesson.
I taught a lesson on listening to and performing rounds to a 4th grade class. Overall the lesson was pretty good, I felt all right about it. When I was finished I had to go write an essay and reflect on the lesson. These people are freakin ridiculous.
So I got a call from the principal last night, calling to tell me that I did a great job and the decision was very, very difficult and they basically could have flipped a coin, but they chose the other candidate.
Oh, well. It was the first job I've applied or interviewed for. I was disappointed for like, 10 minutes, and not because I want the job so badly, but because I got so close to it that it's hard to be rejected. But in all honesty and I'm not just saying this because I didn't get it, I really didn't feel comfortable in the school. The principal was kind of a weird guy, the music teacher, while she was very nice and a great teacher, had like zero personality. And in general it just didn't feel like a place I would fit in or look forward to going to.
I DID get a call from another school I interviewed with and they would like me to teach a lesson next Friday! This is a high/middle school job. I'm really looking forward to it. I definitely felt a lot more comfortable when I went and interviewed for that position. I think I'm more in the mindset of teaching upper level music. Elementary music is nice and all but I think I'm up for a bigger challenge. So wish me luck for that...hopefully it will work out! I really miss being in the classroom...and money would be nice, too... :)

Look at that director's face. SING THIS VOWEL LIKE THIS! I love choral directors and the ridiculous things they do.
hey good luck wit the interviews. which school in west seneca did you interview at? I'm from west seneca, went to Winchester Elementary, HOME OF THE WILDCATS! haha...dont know why i capitalized that, sounded like something will farrell would say i guess.
haha... I was so surprised when I was at my sister's wedding and realized the guy on sax was Mr. Manchester, our stoner grade school music teacher. I kept halfway expecting him to bust into "senor don gato" or "rocky raccoon" at any second. (somehow I remember those two as the only songs we ever sang in music.)