The Louvre, holy crap it's so huge and full of neat stuff...

...including this lovely lady(?) in the frame

a bookstore once home to many American writers when the U.S. was crap after World War I, such as Ernest Hemingway. Neato. The front normally doesn't look like that by the way but of course we were then when it was being worked on.

the Eiffel all lit up at night

So we drank a LITTLE wine...taken in our lovely flat that we rented for the week from a man who reminded me of (e:Paul) if he was French...

The Eiffel Tower at night was super amazing and I loved it. If we had been there a few days before, we may have seen Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes...!
Well still nothing to do at work. Maybe if you're lucky I'll fill out one of those super long surveys and post it here. Maybe...
I agree. I often think that popcorn is the best food for humans. What did the Europeans do before popcorn!?