Lately I feel like nothing interesting is going on in my life. That's kind of an absurd feeling because there are plenty of things in my life. But yesterday and today I felt so completely blah.
Ew my user pic looks awful on this computer, or maybe it looks awful in general. Time for a change.
My choir is supposed to go on this tour to Finland at the beginning of the summer for 19 days. As of now, we don't really know if we're going. Helloooo...a little more than a month away...the reason is because our spring tour of New York State was totally disorganized and messed up, and the same person who did that tour is supposed to do this Finland tour. But I personally would not want to spend $1000 on a plane ticket to get overseas and have nothing to do for THREE WEEKS. Sure, my trip to Great Britain two years ago was one of the best times ever, but it's because we had concerts every night and everything was planned and nice. If we have a vote on this trip, I have a feeling lots of people are going to say no. That's sad because travelling is life-changing and amazing but I don't have all that time or money to waste doing nothing.
A few of us also were planning on staying an extra week in Paris afterwards, and we have our apartment booked for the week. I still really want to go to Paris, but who kinda stinks.
The Fredonia Chamber Singers will be singing at Kenmore Middle School tomorrow at 7 pm. We are good. Honestly, it's not a boring concert, we sing fun music. So, please come. It makes me sad that it's my third year in the group and none of my friends have ever even heard us.
Wow everything is making me sad, HA! That's not good.
I am starting this crazy workout routine where every day of the week I do something different, and all of it gets the heart pumping and muscles tightening. So get ready for some sexiness this summer. By sexiness, I mean a very pale and ghostly white figure. But maybe with slightly less flab....slightly...
Mk's Journal
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04/07/2005 13:08 #29229
thursday (is a band & a day of the week)03/28/2005 12:14 #29228
Recital fun03/20/2005 23:52 #29227
tourSo here i am on tour in binghamton, ny. Today would have been Lauren's 21st birthday and we are in her town and sang at her church tonight. My director decided on the spur of the moment to start the concert by singing Happy Birthday to her. Well that's a super idea because I burst into tears before I got a note out! And apparently like everyone noticed too, but how could you not. Anyway it turned out to be a nice evening. It's a lot to handle though...being with her family and at her house and seeing all these's not like I don't think about her every day anyway, but being in this situation just opened up all these old feelings.
So anyway, tour will be wrapped up in less than a week. We'll be on Long Island and have a day in the city and then I have to fly home all by myself to Buffalo! Wow crazy.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY (e:jill) : ) As usual I was touring it up, but I'm sure you made the most of things without me...haha...
Well better get to bed and stop hogging the computer of this random host family. Happy Easter everyone if you do that sort of thing.
and happy birthday lauren!...we would have had some crazy times on this very special day... miss you
So anyway, tour will be wrapped up in less than a week. We'll be on Long Island and have a day in the city and then I have to fly home all by myself to Buffalo! Wow crazy.
HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY (e:jill) : ) As usual I was touring it up, but I'm sure you made the most of things without me...haha...
Well better get to bed and stop hogging the computer of this random host family. Happy Easter everyone if you do that sort of thing.
and happy birthday lauren!...we would have had some crazy times on this very special day... miss you
03/14/2005 18:16 #29226
mikeMike remember when we were mildly obsessed with travel mugs for like 2 days? How no one should ever settle for cheap travel mugs because they are pure crap and it is totally worth it for the extra quality??? Maybe we were only obsessed for a day. Or maybe just one mall trip. Anyway I hope you actually remember and I'm not crazy.