So last night I went to see the above mentioned movie. I really hadn't thought I was gonna see it, mostly because I don't see many movies when I'm at school and if I do they are usually like the popular ones. But anyway we decided to see this movie because despite the bad critics reviews, most online reviews by "real people" said the movie was really great.
So if you've seen the commercials, they show the woman who got dumped by her husband and her crazy huge Grandma with a gun rampaging through her ex-husband's house and wreaking havoc everywhere and it looks really funny. Well those parts were really funny. The Grandma was great and the beginning was funny and entertaining. Then out of nowhere it turns into this evangelical story about a woman who realizes God and Jesus can save her and if she prays hard enough then her life will come back together. And after awhile we forget who we're supposed to dislike and like because she keeps like forgiving her jerky ex-husband and turning her back on this other great guy and well I guess I won't give away stuff... But you know how quality a movie is when during the emotional, romantic scene in which this woman finds true love and the man of her dreams is pouring his heart out, people in the theater are laughing out loud at what the guy is saying to her. And at the end there's a scene in a gospel church where this random 10 year old girl starts singing like Whitney Houston in a gospel choir and suddenly this religious power takes over and people who are crippled can suddenly walk again and junkies are drug-free and everyone is singing and happy and saved. It was sooooo cheesy!! I mean I have nothing wrong with loving Jesus but it was totally not what I expected the movie to be. It was so ridiculous, and looong, and just soooo strange. I only recommend the movie if you're in the mood for a movie that's so bad it's slightly entertaining. The Grandma was very funny, but barely in the movie at all. That definitely would have improved everything. Frankly if she had been the mad black woman the movie was about, the movie would have turned out to be much better!
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/27/2005 11:13 #29221
Diary of a mad black woman02/15/2005 21:03 #29220
Visco sauces [inlink]maureen,40[/inlink] - inlink recorded 02/15/05 17:04

¿I believe they have this in Buffalo, no? (I love that the Spanish language does that....not that little A thing...I don't know where that came from...) I'm pretty sure I've had some Visco sauce back in the B-lo. The word sauce makes me laugh a little.
My computer has its first virus. Or at least the first virus I've been aware of that actually effects what I want to do - talk online, of course. What kind of moron clicks on a link in an away message? Well, me. So now I have a virus that randomly opens up Instant Messenger when it wants to and puts up an away message so other people can get the virus too. That blows.
By the way I always feel guilty when I open this page that I'm not using Firefox. I have no way to use Firefox and actually have never even seen it in use.

Neat logo.
I think this counts as procrastination...

¿I believe they have this in Buffalo, no? (I love that the Spanish language does that....not that little A thing...I don't know where that came from...) I'm pretty sure I've had some Visco sauce back in the B-lo. The word sauce makes me laugh a little.
My computer has its first virus. Or at least the first virus I've been aware of that actually effects what I want to do - talk online, of course. What kind of moron clicks on a link in an away message? Well, me. So now I have a virus that randomly opens up Instant Messenger when it wants to and puts up an away message so other people can get the virus too. That blows.
By the way I always feel guilty when I open this page that I'm not using Firefox. I have no way to use Firefox and actually have never even seen it in use.

Neat logo.
I think this counts as procrastination...
02/04/2005 20:21 #29219
being awayI want people to come visit me too
Tonight is this 100 Days till Graduation celebration downtown and I didn't go...maybe I should have. What is it that makes some people love going out and being downtown at bars and then some people just basically don't ever do it unless it's their birthday or some special occasion. Maybe because I won't REALLY be graduating in May. I don't know. In a way I feel bad that I don't ever go out but at the same time that's just a stupid thing to say cuz it's not for everyone I guess. But I feel like sort of a traitor to my class. Is that ridiculous?
Maybe I just feel funny that it's Friday night and I'm here by myself listening to the Mozart Requiem and contemplating doing some laundry. The Mozart Requiem is great, by the way. If you've ever seen the movie Amadeus you may already be slightly familiar with it. Mozart never actually completed the work. Out of the 13 (?) movements, he only completely wrote one of them (with chorus and orchestration) and wrote the vocal lines and bass line for 6 others. He only wrote the first 8 bars of one of the movements and then a student of his finished it and a couple other movements because Mozart died before it was completed. Isn't that ironic...a requiem mass never finished because the composer died himself. I get chills for that reason when I sing it. I almost feel like its wrong to sing parts of it too...because he never actually wrote it. I don't know. The whole concept of it is really interesting, I think.
Come visit me...this weekend??
Tonight is this 100 Days till Graduation celebration downtown and I didn't go...maybe I should have. What is it that makes some people love going out and being downtown at bars and then some people just basically don't ever do it unless it's their birthday or some special occasion. Maybe because I won't REALLY be graduating in May. I don't know. In a way I feel bad that I don't ever go out but at the same time that's just a stupid thing to say cuz it's not for everyone I guess. But I feel like sort of a traitor to my class. Is that ridiculous?
Maybe I just feel funny that it's Friday night and I'm here by myself listening to the Mozart Requiem and contemplating doing some laundry. The Mozart Requiem is great, by the way. If you've ever seen the movie Amadeus you may already be slightly familiar with it. Mozart never actually completed the work. Out of the 13 (?) movements, he only completely wrote one of them (with chorus and orchestration) and wrote the vocal lines and bass line for 6 others. He only wrote the first 8 bars of one of the movements and then a student of his finished it and a couple other movements because Mozart died before it was completed. Isn't that ironic...a requiem mass never finished because the composer died himself. I get chills for that reason when I sing it. I almost feel like its wrong to sing parts of it too...because he never actually wrote it. I don't know. The whole concept of it is really interesting, I think.
Come visit me...this weekend??
01/26/2005 00:15 #29218
new stuffI just wrote a whole entry and decided I sounded like a jackass and deleted it. Anyway my apartment is just about ready to be premiered. I'll have to talk to the roomie but I'm hoping to have a get together next weekend or the weekend after. It should be a good time. We finally bought curtains and got rid of the leftover crap from the people who lived there before and so I'm looking forward to playing hostess.
The music lab just got a whole bunch of new computers. They look like this:

They are nice. But they don't have Firefox...sorry little computer voice that opens up when you start this site. It uses something called Safari. Anyway I love these computers. I like Apples. By that I mean the computers. The fruit too. That wasn't funny. Neither am I. I will go back to my boring, late proctoring shift. Good night.
The music lab just got a whole bunch of new computers. They look like this:

They are nice. But they don't have Firefox...sorry little computer voice that opens up when you start this site. It uses something called Safari. Anyway I love these computers. I like Apples. By that I mean the computers. The fruit too. That wasn't funny. Neither am I. I will go back to my boring, late proctoring shift. Good night.
01/12/2005 15:54 #29217
i have pen all over my hands...and i have been working on the same project at work for like 3 hours. Not including the work I put into it last Friday. Good times.
So everything is okay lately I guess. I picked out my pattern and material for my recital dress that my mom is making. :) It's gonna be hot! And I picked out my shoes too. Yeehaw. I'm excited about my recital. Soon that will turn into utter dread and fear and freaking out most likely since I'm not quite as prepared as I probably should be at this point. Ehhh, it'll still be good. I have family coming from many places and I'm really excited! Everyone needs to come. By everyone, I do mean every person I've ever met.
I'm moving into my apartment this week. I'm sort of nervous about the whole thing. I don' tknow why. Well I got a hint from someone that there may have been cats living there before. And that would suck because not only am I slightly allergic to cats, but Chris is REALLY allergic to them. And I would be really upset if he couldn't even come over or something because of a stupid cat that lived there before. I just feel like this apartment has been a pain in my ass for awhile and that more things are bound to go wrong. I hate that I feel like that because how negative is that???? But it is bothering me. So I'm bringing a vaccum cleaner and cleaning that place out like crazy.
What is with the word "asbestos?" I will never see that word without stopping and telling myself how it actually is pronounced. Who decided it was pronounced that way and why isn't it spelled the way you'd think?
So everything is okay lately I guess. I picked out my pattern and material for my recital dress that my mom is making. :) It's gonna be hot! And I picked out my shoes too. Yeehaw. I'm excited about my recital. Soon that will turn into utter dread and fear and freaking out most likely since I'm not quite as prepared as I probably should be at this point. Ehhh, it'll still be good. I have family coming from many places and I'm really excited! Everyone needs to come. By everyone, I do mean every person I've ever met.
I'm moving into my apartment this week. I'm sort of nervous about the whole thing. I don' tknow why. Well I got a hint from someone that there may have been cats living there before. And that would suck because not only am I slightly allergic to cats, but Chris is REALLY allergic to them. And I would be really upset if he couldn't even come over or something because of a stupid cat that lived there before. I just feel like this apartment has been a pain in my ass for awhile and that more things are bound to go wrong. I hate that I feel like that because how negative is that???? But it is bothering me. So I'm bringing a vaccum cleaner and cleaning that place out like crazy.
What is with the word "asbestos?" I will never see that word without stopping and telling myself how it actually is pronounced. Who decided it was pronounced that way and why isn't it spelled the way you'd think?