What a crap crap day. Well it's not even noon. But so far what a yucky day. I woke up sooo tired...I think I almost forgot I had to go to work today. I guess after taking like a million days off that will happen. And then my dad and I said like three things to each other in the car. And now here I am doing mindless things as usual. And it is cloudy and yucky out. And I can't stop thinking about how sad I am that I won't be in Chamber Singers next year. More on that later...
Well, I did have a fun weekend. I hiked and played football and fished and sailed. I think I'll have pictures up soon. I did feel guilty about missing the sister's birthday, of course. But I still got her a little something and I believe we will be north of the border this weekend...muhahaha...
Finished the DaVinci Code...of course it was great, but I don't think I've heard of anyone who didn't like it. It was a very fast read...excellent for long, boring train rides. I recommend it to one and all.
I saw Spiderman 2 Monday night. I was actually expecting it to be like REALLY great. I thought it was good...not that much better or worse than the other one, which I liked. I mean overall it was a good movie but nothing earth-shattering like I was sort of expecting from all the great reviews I saw. Well anyway it's worth seeing.
What else...Jesse I was just reading my yearbook the other day and in my senior yearbook you drew your own stick figure version of the very same picture that is now your userpic. And of course wrote *slurp slurp* underneath. Ahh I haven't thought about that in awhile. Fond memories...although I don't think I enjoyed it so much at the time. Oh the lunchtime jokes...guinea pig...the LaDuca voice (you're like the cherry on top of our sundae...)...a certain *n sync lovin, dancing man who we watched from afar as he wooed a blond friend of ours...kiwis...hmm I can't think of others offhand. But good random lunch times.
Well...back to work. I hope to hang out at the apartamento tonight. I miss mis amigos.
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/07/2004 12:57 #29188
Someone's got a case of the...Wednesdays07/01/2004 15:37 #29187
Response to the Beaster...So before reading, remember that everything I'm saying is general, isn't meant to offend or attack anyone, and isn't even all my opinion but just stuff I wanted to get out there. Okeeeee read on.
For some reason one of (e:beast)'s most recent posts sparked my interest ([inlink]beast,14[/inlink]) so I decided to sort of answer but just sort of add my own thoughts.

...Well, it seems to me that to ask whether most people prefer anything is very general. I think how a person feels depends a lot on what is going on in his or her life at a given time, and what they want as far as relationships, companions, lovers, etc.
I guess I don't really see anything wrong if people say they prefer to be in relationships. But the question is, why? People may feel pressured to be in relationships depending on many factors...such as the time of year, age, marital status of their friends, amount of time since their last relationship, etc. In such cases, they may prefer to be in a relationship rather than not be, and sometimes you can't blame them. But what about the type of relationships they are choosing?...
There are people who begin dating at a young age, and stay together for years and years. Sometimes they, or others, may eventually wonder if they are only together because they are comfortable, or if they are afraid to be without that person they are so used to. They prefer to be in that relationship because it has been going on for so long they can't remember not being with that other person, and don't want to have to start all over again.
There are those who date lots of people...if you consider these relationships...and I believe they are. You can wonder about that...why do some people not want to get tied down? Why don't they want to get involved? They prefer to be in relationships as well, but in different ways and for different reasons. (I'm not as familiar with this category, so I don't really know a lot of the reasons as to why people do this, haha...). It's just another way of being with people.
And there's people who don't date, for whatever reasons, and are totally satisfied with being with their friends and family. AND there's people who spend all the their time with close friends and family, but are frustrated by not having a significant other. I don't think either of these people are wrong in how they feel. I think I have been in both of those situations...and it all depended on what was going on at the time. I am totally one to know that even if you think you want to be with someone, and you think your life is over because they don't want to be with you, or whatever...there is nothing like best friends. You never forget everything they do for you, and everytime they listen...and they make you realize that dating isn't ALWAYS a priority or necessary to be happy and feel complete. And from that you can grow, become comfortable with yourself, and know that you are incredibly lucky, no matter what.
As far as having a relationship consuming one's life, well it's pretty unhealthy to have ANY one thing consuming someone's life. So, I agree that people shouldn't put all their eggs in one basket...as the old saying goes. I mean I don't want to be a hypocrite...I know the last few months at school, I became part of a "unit" and was rarely seen walking without the same person around campus...I guess it's easy to do when you are away at school and starting a new relationship. People can definitely get caught up in a relationship, and become sort of addicted to being with each other. But there are bad and good ways to go about doing this...I mean there has to be a balance. But you're right...there isn't a reason to be sad if they seem to be truly happy. Maybe they do want to stop searching, as Beast says, or at least pause...and maybe that's okay? I don't think it is part of everyone's nature to be always lo
ing for something better. They may not look at it as depriving themselves, while someone else may. It is aaaaaaaaall a matter of who you are.
Well, anywho...just some stuff I wanted to say, for some reason or another. Who knows why this randomly caught my attention and produced this deep, moving, and insightful journal entry? .... weeeeeeell, maybe not. Anyway, other opinions are always welcome.
Happy Independence Day everybody and HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO MY SISTER who will soon become a part of estrip as well! :0)
For some reason one of (e:beast)'s most recent posts sparked my interest ([inlink]beast,14[/inlink]) so I decided to sort of answer but just sort of add my own thoughts.

...Well, it seems to me that to ask whether most people prefer anything is very general. I think how a person feels depends a lot on what is going on in his or her life at a given time, and what they want as far as relationships, companions, lovers, etc.
I guess I don't really see anything wrong if people say they prefer to be in relationships. But the question is, why? People may feel pressured to be in relationships depending on many factors...such as the time of year, age, marital status of their friends, amount of time since their last relationship, etc. In such cases, they may prefer to be in a relationship rather than not be, and sometimes you can't blame them. But what about the type of relationships they are choosing?...
There are people who begin dating at a young age, and stay together for years and years. Sometimes they, or others, may eventually wonder if they are only together because they are comfortable, or if they are afraid to be without that person they are so used to. They prefer to be in that relationship because it has been going on for so long they can't remember not being with that other person, and don't want to have to start all over again.
There are those who date lots of people...if you consider these relationships...and I believe they are. You can wonder about that...why do some people not want to get tied down? Why don't they want to get involved? They prefer to be in relationships as well, but in different ways and for different reasons. (I'm not as familiar with this category, so I don't really know a lot of the reasons as to why people do this, haha...). It's just another way of being with people.
And there's people who don't date, for whatever reasons, and are totally satisfied with being with their friends and family. AND there's people who spend all the their time with close friends and family, but are frustrated by not having a significant other. I don't think either of these people are wrong in how they feel. I think I have been in both of those situations...and it all depended on what was going on at the time. I am totally one to know that even if you think you want to be with someone, and you think your life is over because they don't want to be with you, or whatever...there is nothing like best friends. You never forget everything they do for you, and everytime they listen...and they make you realize that dating isn't ALWAYS a priority or necessary to be happy and feel complete. And from that you can grow, become comfortable with yourself, and know that you are incredibly lucky, no matter what.
As far as having a relationship consuming one's life, well it's pretty unhealthy to have ANY one thing consuming someone's life. So, I agree that people shouldn't put all their eggs in one basket...as the old saying goes. I mean I don't want to be a hypocrite...I know the last few months at school, I became part of a "unit" and was rarely seen walking without the same person around campus...I guess it's easy to do when you are away at school and starting a new relationship. People can definitely get caught up in a relationship, and become sort of addicted to being with each other. But there are bad and good ways to go about doing this...I mean there has to be a balance. But you're right...there isn't a reason to be sad if they seem to be truly happy. Maybe they do want to stop searching, as Beast says, or at least pause...and maybe that's okay? I don't think it is part of everyone's nature to be always lo
ing for something better. They may not look at it as depriving themselves, while someone else may. It is aaaaaaaaall a matter of who you are.
Well, anywho...just some stuff I wanted to say, for some reason or another. Who knows why this randomly caught my attention and produced this deep, moving, and insightful journal entry? .... weeeeeeell, maybe not. Anyway, other opinions are always welcome.
Happy Independence Day everybody and HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO MY SISTER who will soon become a part of estrip as well! :0)
07/07/2004 12:58 #29186
oh Michaelomg so I just laughed for like 20 straight minutes...which isn't so cool when you share an office with one person and she is busily at work and you are shaking with fits of silent laughter... I was reading through my old journals and I saw that I had written how funny one of Mike's entries was. So I went to Mike's journal at roughly the same time and found the very journal I was talking about. [inlink]mike,12[/inlink] Oh my...so funny. Maybe more so for me than anyone because it's mostly about the two of us but it is still hilarious.
AND there is a quote in there which could be the understatement of the year... "Maybe I eat too much bacon."
AND there is a quote in there which could be the understatement of the year... "Maybe I eat too much bacon."
06/29/2004 15:26 #29185
mike, harry and jimmyJust finished having lunch with Mike in the food court of the Main Place Mall, attached to my building. Haha, my building. I really am starting to feel like a real employee in this office and not just like a helper. And of course, here I am posting an entry...hmmm...
Anywho...I may go see Harry Potter tonight...my sister hated it but everyone else liked it. I'm not even that all about the movies because the books are so great, but we'll see, we'll see...
Hey in other news, when is the next jimmy eat world album coming out...It's been like...three years...I'm achin for some jimmy!
Anywho...I may go see Harry Potter tonight...my sister hated it but everyone else liked it. I'm not even that all about the movies because the books are so great, but we'll see, we'll see...
Hey in other news, when is the next jimmy eat world album coming out...It's been like...three years...I'm achin for some jimmy!
06/28/2004 14:35 #29184
strolling down the stripWell almost a week late, here are some highlights from an mk, (e:mike) and (e:jill) stroll down the strip.

ahh, so true

it's normal for you to tell your friends you like something, and they insist upon you licking it for a picture...right??

and we made a little stop where I received a copy of the DaVinci Code (which unfortunately I still haven't started...). I already thanked Terry, but I find picture form to be better...

well, maybe it's better when it ISN'T me in the picture...hmmm...
that's all.
Digital cameras are so fun.

ahh, so true

it's normal for you to tell your friends you like something, and they insist upon you licking it for a picture...right??

and we made a little stop where I received a copy of the DaVinci Code (which unfortunately I still haven't started...). I already thanked Terry, but I find picture form to be better...

well, maybe it's better when it ISN'T me in the picture...hmmm...
that's all.
Digital cameras are so fun.