I just abandoned a trip to the home of estrip.com to go home and fall asleep. I'm such a loser! I mean I did wake up and paint a house early. AND went shopping. AND bought my father's day present. AND went to spot! (on Elmwood). WHHEWWWW what a day! I'm surprised I can even type!
I'm shocked there are actually 2 e peeps online. I'm generally the only one and have still continued to type in the chat. Oh now 3! So crowded!
I don't like my user pic so much anymore. I miss the penguin. I actually took a picture of myself with my camera phone that is nice. I'm so vain. Camera phones are handy when you are bored though. Anyway, maybe I'll post that pic. It's fairly cute and therefore a completely inaccurate portrayal of yours truly.
How would you feel if someone compared the shape of your body to a tator tot?
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
06/19/2004 23:46 #29179
soy un perdedor...and tator tots06/17/2004 10:29 #29178
Billy Shakespeare

Everybody...go see Shakespeare in the Park! Henry IV is the first half of summer, followed by another play in late July thru August.
Spend some time on the strip, then bring a blanket, some wine, some food, and sit back and enjoy some great theater. Admire the Rose Garden while you're at it, of course. Support the arts! Come out and enjoy a night at the park! It should be grrrrrrrreat. Hope to see y'all there.
06/16/2004 12:57 #29177
fun on your backYesterday I bought a backpack. Sorta random, since it's the middle of summer. But I had a nice coupon through my lovely Student Advantage card for an online purchase (http://www.ebags.com). I haven't owned a backpack since my sophomore year of high school. I miss it! Yay backpacks. :0)
06/10/2004 11:22 #29176
elmwood strippers?I don't know what all the fuss is about, my userpic is clearly me and my handsome, prince boyfriend.
j/k. I agree, post your own pic. Mike you have your own pic in a way. An artist's rendering. I used to have mine up but not too many others really did, making me feel shallow and freakish. Ok well maybe not that bad. But I took it down, and now I better rethink that move based on demands of my fellow elmwood strip...pers.
Elmwood strippers? Hmm I don't think I like that. I wonder how long until we have a name for ourselves...or if we ever will. People who collect in large numbers online often have, err, clever names...Grobanites (Josh Groban fans), Baleheads (Christian Bale fans), X-Philes (duh)...and I only know these courtesy of my sister. I SWEAR!
Anyway..names are a little cheesy. Will we eventually have one? Should we? Hmmm...
j/k. I agree, post your own pic. Mike you have your own pic in a way. An artist's rendering. I used to have mine up but not too many others really did, making me feel shallow and freakish. Ok well maybe not that bad. But I took it down, and now I better rethink that move based on demands of my fellow elmwood strip...pers.
Elmwood strippers? Hmm I don't think I like that. I wonder how long until we have a name for ourselves...or if we ever will. People who collect in large numbers online often have, err, clever names...Grobanites (Josh Groban fans), Baleheads (Christian Bale fans), X-Philes (duh)...and I only know these courtesy of my sister. I SWEAR!
Anyway..names are a little cheesy. Will we eventually have one? Should we? Hmmm...
06/08/2004 17:15 #29175
: )Also, a little tribute to my favorite movie...
(that's referring to my userpic...I realize as I update that arrow will be pointing to a blank space and I might look a little nutso)
(that's referring to my userpic...I realize as I update that arrow will be pointing to a blank space and I might look a little nutso)