04/07/2004 15:03 #29159
self portrait of a lady
Hmm that thing is really fun...
...except I thought I had two eyes when I drew it...
yay for more distractions!
04/07/2004 13:25 #29158
happy hump day!Jill I completely agree with your no offense entry. I myself have thought the same thing.
Maidenform bras are excellent. Just thought I'd throw that out there.
I find I have so little to write about lately. Therefore I'm going to entertain you with pictures of a cute dog. Taken with my handy new little phone.
p.s. I love Tropicana Pink Lemonade.
04/03/2004 13:38 #29157
I loo-oove to sing and danceThis Sunday at 4, the Chamber Singers will take the stage of King Concert Hall. Everyone should go! We have sang this music like 12938735928375 times and we are good. So if you are reading this, I better see you on Sunday!
Anyone see "Secret Window"...the new Johnny Depp movie? I saw it last week....not a big fan but everyone else liked it. I don't know, something about it...mmm but Johnny was as amazing as ever. I guess I'd recommend it.
Welp that's all. I love contradancing.
p.s. I can't stand my stupid conducting class any longer. Just thought I'd mention that. I dread it every MWF. 9 am. AHHH.
03/29/2004 17:54 #29156
WHO's 21?!?!?!Yes the big birthday has come and gone. And ohhh how crazy it was.
Well it didn't start out crazy. Chris took me out to dinner in Little Italy on Saturday night and we walked around the park after that. Ahhh lots of fun. I was in Grenwich Village at midnight on the 28th. We were looking for this random place and just never found it. Then I intended on getting a couple of drinks at the bar in our hotel but it was closed! At like 12:30 on a Saturday!!! How wacko. So instead we went to see a movie...the new Jim Carrey movie. It was good, but don't go see it at 1 am because we were a bit sleepy.
Then I spent almost the whole day in a van driving back to Freddy. Of course I didn't let any one forget what day it was. Then we got back and I went out with the family to Applebee's where I ordered two mudslides. I think my waitress was more excited about my birthday than me. I also got a cell phone for my bday :0) :0) The parentals broke down and got a family plan! I'm catching up with the world of modern technology.
Sooo then me and Chris and Julie went out on the town. Needless to say it was pretty empty downtown. We began with my birthday drink at BJ's, where the birthday girl or guy holds a sparkler while drinking this big drink and obviously they have to finish before the sparkler goes out. Okay it was so good I probably could have drank like three in that time period. Mmmmm....haha dangerous. Then we proceeded to a couple other bars. In total, I had three birthday drinks at three different bars, which probably have at least 3 shots in them, plus half of a blue whale (??), plus um four other shots. HAHAHAHAAAAA....and the wierdest part was it didn't even hit me until the last bar and then WOOOO....the night ended in some sicky vicky time. Julie and Chris are absolutely amazing for taking care of me cuz hahaha wow i was a handful.
Hmm I just found out that I have to teach a lesson tomorrow that I just didn't know about haha. Nice! Okay I have class now. Thanks for my birthday posts. :0)
03/16/2004 14:44 #29155
Titles are so overratedCan I just say this website gets cooler and cooler every time I go to it? I remember back in the old days when I made myself a fancy banner, and entries were so hard to read because there was no paragraph breaks. We sure have come a long way!
Tomorrow the Chamber Singers depart for tour. Therefore there probably won't be much St. Patrick's Daying. Happy Birthday Jill!!!! Everyone copy and paste that last sentence and put it in your journal please.
Got to see Mike and Jill this weekend, first time in so long. =0)
OH AND DIANA WHAT IS THIS AWAY MESSAGE ABOUT AN EPISODE OF SAVED BY THE BELL YOU'VE NEVER SEEN?! How is that possible?! I thought everyone had seen every episode at least 73 times? No?
Last but not least...
...well I can't think of a way to end this...
...I love the fishes 'cuz they're so delicious.