Just gotten back from quite the weekend at home. = ) On Friday my mom and I went to see the Canisius College Gospel Choir perform at a Praise and Worship service. Let me tell you, we were definitely in the minority. It was such a cool experience. Gospel services really are the way you would think - people randomly say "HALLELUIAH!" and stand up and sing whenever they want to, and the singing was so awesome. I want to bring the Chambers to see one, to show them how white we really are. Then of course, spent the evening with Jill and Mike and eventually Teres. Spot is closing an hour earlier and it's annoying. And Lumby is all clean cut now and doesn't look so Lumby anymore...I don't know what's going on. But my spotsicle was amazing.
Saturday Jill Mike and I went shopping for awhile, then went to see Kevin Rodgers dazzle us all in 'Romeo and Juliet'. Then I had the most amazing ice cream cone at Baskin Robbins. Seriously...it provided some amazing satisfaction.
Oh and I bought the most AWESOME thing for my room but I'm not gonna say what it is so people come over and see what it is. My room has never been better.
Thanks for a nice weekend guys. I missed my Fredonians too though...
So tired, gonna go relax. My room is so awesome.
Mk's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/16/2003 22:40 #29115
last christmas I gave you my heart11/14/2003 14:43 #29114
youuu are soooo beautiful to me!11/13/2003 18:39 #29113
I hate conductingSo I'm updating merely because MB Finger gets on my arse when I don't!
My voice is almost entirely back, hooray! I sort of sang today and I kinda sounded like a man. Well, a girly man.
I just don't know what else to say, haha, what a pointless entry. sorry.
My voice is almost entirely back, hooray! I sort of sang today and I kinda sounded like a man. Well, a girly man.
I just don't know what else to say, haha, what a pointless entry. sorry.
11/10/2003 18:49 #29112
so what, so I've got a smile onWell since I can't communicate with people normally, I figured I'd make a nice long journal entry. My throat hurts really really bad and when I speak I sound like an absolute FREEEEAK! I hate it, mostly because I can't stand not being able to talk, but also because I depend on my voice for so much of my work and stuff. How annoying. But I got to listen to Chamber Singers today, and I've never done that before, since I NEVER GET SICK! So that was interesting.
Elf was so freakin cute, everyone needs to see it! It inspired me to download and listen to tons of Christmas music...I love the holidays. And Will Ferrell. As seen below.
haha these journal things are really stupid, because there's always stuff that you want to write about, but then people will read it and call you a drama queen, or get all concerned and want to talk about it, or get mad, or whatever...I guess it's good I have an actual paperbound journal to that in. It would be nice to do it here. It's not like my feelings are exactly secret. Oh well. One of the joys of modern technology.
I just can't wait for this ridiculous semester to be over. I feel like there's so much more left of it and that it's just not gonna get any more enjoyable. I did take this email quiz the other day and it was nice, and while I don't usually put any thought into email quizzes, I'm hoping this one was right. Let's see what it said...
If your intial is from L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
If you were born in: Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
If you chose: Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
Anyways, here's hoping for some good stuff to come my way. Seriously, I think I deserve something. Not that I have a terrible life AT ALL...But I wouldn't mind being swept off my feet sometime...it would be so nice.
Now I have to go to some random school with Mary Beth "Pantsy McPansington" Finger. BYE!!
Elf was so freakin cute, everyone needs to see it! It inspired me to download and listen to tons of Christmas music...I love the holidays. And Will Ferrell. As seen below.
haha these journal things are really stupid, because there's always stuff that you want to write about, but then people will read it and call you a drama queen, or get all concerned and want to talk about it, or get mad, or whatever...I guess it's good I have an actual paperbound journal to that in. It would be nice to do it here. It's not like my feelings are exactly secret. Oh well. One of the joys of modern technology.
I just can't wait for this ridiculous semester to be over. I feel like there's so much more left of it and that it's just not gonna get any more enjoyable. I did take this email quiz the other day and it was nice, and while I don't usually put any thought into email quizzes, I'm hoping this one was right. Let's see what it said...
If your intial is from L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
If you were born in: Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
If you chose: Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
Anyways, here's hoping for some good stuff to come my way. Seriously, I think I deserve something. Not that I have a terrible life AT ALL...But I wouldn't mind being swept off my feet sometime...it would be so nice.
Now I have to go to some random school with Mary Beth "Pantsy McPansington" Finger. BYE!!
11/10/2003 00:59 #29111

Some of my favorite men. I love them for many reasons...their good looks, the music they sing, their uncanny ability to shoot arrows, the way they prance through the North Pole in yellow tights...ahhhhh... Just thought I'd share them with you.
Had a nice weekend at home. Everyone go see Elf. More lataaaaa....bye. I hate not having my voice.