Why is 'The Way You Look Tonight' such a fantastic song? I mean I don't think I could ever hear it without smiling and dancing like a fool.
Speaking of dancing like a fool, tomorrow I'm teaching REAL children. Like not college students pretending to be elementary students. I'm teaching them the MOOOSE song, and we're gonna dance and play instruments to random songs from Stomp. It's so cute...I hope it goes okay
Do you believe that things happen for a reason? I never really cared about it until a few summers ago, but I've come to realize that it's true...Some awful things have happened to me, and at the time of course I was disappointed, upset, whatever. But in the long run, things come together and make sense, and I realize that it worked out for the best. Things really do work out, I believe...maybe it's just a comfort thing, but it works...it has to, otherwise I'd go insane. And people come into your life for a reason, and some will impact you more than others. I've met so many people but there's only a few that I've ever really opened up to and let them be close to me. Sometimes I don't even understand why I'm so attached to these people, but there's something there and it's wonderful and there's nothing that can replace it or take it away from me. There's nothing like having entire conversations where you do nothing but laugh and read each other's minds the entire time...I love nothing more than saying the smallest amount of words possible and still be completely understood...you just can't have that kind of connection with everyone, and I cherish those times. awwww MK is getting all corny! seriously...I am one of the luckiest people ever, and I forget that sometimes.
These last couple days have just been ridiculous...this whole semester has been so emotionally draining, and I have a feeling that more crapiness is gonna be thrown my way...and that's just how it's gonna be and I need to deal with that, haha.......can't wait.
To end this interesting journal, I'm gonna put in some pictures of a few these wonderful people that I'm talking about (there's not pics of everyone but be patient!), and then I'm gonna go to bed and let Harry sing me to sleep so I can get up and be the greatest teacher on Earth.

some Jill, Mike, and MK posing from freshman year birthdaying.

me and my Pat.

Randi being insane!

MK and Willy being very pensive.
good night...