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08/29/2006 18:49 #29030

Friday the 1st
Friday the first we're going out to celebrate my bday. Be there or be square. Where to go I am not sure yet. mostly likely a stop at Frizzy's will be for sure. I'll post the details when I know more....

08/28/2006 00:02 #29029

Happy Birthday (e:terry)! I hope your birthday is fun and amazing because you are cool as a cucumber. (I think that saying needs to be brought back) HAVE A GREAT ONE!

08/22/2006 00:01 #29028

Do your chain hang low?
OMG so (e:jill) was discussing at coffee the other night that she thought she heard a rap remix of the children's song "do your ears hang low". A few years back we heard a "my buddy and me" remix so we figured it is quite possible though ridiculous...but lo and behold it is true. Listen for yourself at

it is a hopping tune...haha
maureen - 08/22/06 11:14
wow, that is crazy. I can only imagine what Rubber Ducky is going to turn into when they sample it.

08/20/2006 00:16 #29027

So many of you probably have heard already that in part of Madonna's concert now she hangs herself crucified style from a large glittery mirrored disco cross while wearing a crown of thorns. She uses the song as she shows pictures of dying African kids trying to bring attention to AIDS. Hmmm...i would think the glittery disco ball with a crucified Madge would detract from the images of the African children not enhance them but who am I to say. Needless to say, many people are upset but in Germany the stakes are raised. I guess it is illegal to do anything religiously offensive or something liek that in Germany (prolly b/c of their not so stellar past in that regard) and so she could be jailed for up to 5 years for doing this stunt at her German concert. I guess the prosecutor's office is supposed to have people waiting at the concert to see if she does it and arrest/fine her or whatnot. How crazy! Though you know what, why should she be above the law?
joshua - 08/21/06 19:59
Actually this is a little-known fact about many European countries like France, Germany, etc. - there are actually limits to free speech put in their sets of laws in order to avoid offending people.
jason - 08/20/06 16:16
Well, although I think what she does with the cross is inexcusable and disgusting, I support her free speech rights. Not that they're the same in Germany. But whatever.
metalpeter - 08/20/06 12:42
I don't know the law in Germany. I do know the Nazi party in now illegal. It is ironic that they do all the evil stuff that they do to the Jews and others and now it is Illegal for Someone to stand on a cross. I don't think Madonna is above the law, but what she is doing is art, in a place where anyone who goes has to pay to get in, and most likely knows about the cross part. I'm guessing she will do it and take her chances, I would assume she has a legal team that covers these issues and may have a way for her to get out of it or maybe not.

08/17/2006 22:12 #29026

Pittsburgh Dia Dos
Wow, this company knows how to waste money. So today we had about an 8 hour meeting ( mind you this is the only day out of the three we are doing anything work related). Well we spent like a good hour bascially going over how to turn on and off a computer and restart it. Mind you this was all theoretical because we did not get actual computers becauase the rooms wiht computers were all booked. (its not like they spent at least 1,000 to fly the four of us in and put us up for four days, why would they bother haibngh a computer available?).

There was some valuable things we learned about teachign the class. LIke maybe 2 or 3 hours of this trip were necessary. It seems like something that oculd have been done in a onference call or something though instead of a three day trip. I don't mind being here or anything but it just seems like a waste.

So at about 9pmish i got sick of being in the hotel and so i decided to venture into town (or really walk dwon the thruwayish , sidewlakless road to the Giant Eagle grocery store.) The girl at the desk assured me it was safe and I made it back ok and had no problems. I treid ot walk around "town" but there serisuuly is no town. It is just some hotels, some erestaurants , a closed Ames and a Giant Eagle. Even a shut down Burger King. I think it is bad news for your area when you can't support aBurger King. Well I come home at three tomorow and i am ready for some fun and some partying (so long as I survive the plane ride).

There is another kid my age here wiht us and we could hang out I suppose but there is nothing to do and I just met him really today. I was gonna call him to see if he wanted to go to the Giant Eagle but I don't know what room he is in and so i oculdn't. He must be even more bored than me because he has been here since monday by himself. He is soo ready to go home. I ca't even imagine how sick of this place he must be as I am dying after just two nights.

Oh, I forgot the most important part. THE GIANT EAGLE HAD STRAWBERRY CHEWIES!!! I WAS ORIGINALLY TRICKED INTO THINKING THEY HAD NONE because they weren't in bulk but I found them in the regular section!!! They were so good! WEll I didn't eat them yet, but they will be. For of those of you who don't know, Strawberry chewies are crack for me and they don't sell them in WNY anymore!!! It is a travesty!!!

OK see ya all back in the b-lo tomorwo. Mike