So the other day me and my former coworker Michele were on the way to our bosses grandmother's wake and we were discussing this party another coworker of ours is having on Saturday. It starts like early at 12 in the afternoon and I was saying how I want to go earlier because that night I want to go to a housewarming party (you all know which one). Michelle was like "that's weird I have a housewarming party that night too". And I thougt wow how random. Then I said it was for my friend Timika and Michelle was like no way " Jen that I work with just moved in with Timika, that is the same one I am going too". I guess
(e:nejifer) works with her at Independent Health. How random. Though not so strange because it seems in Buffalo everyone knows everyone but stlil so funnily random. So I think we will go to our coworkers party and then go together to the housewarming while telling this story at work......
.......Nicole was like it is so weird and was saying how a similar thing happened to her where like the people who live across from her in her new apartment building in Orchard Park knew her friend Fallon who is from Long Island. Well the really crazy part was that I relaized I too know her friend Fallon who was the perosn in the story because she was friends with my friend Yosepha....
Buffalo is really just one small town!
oooh, aaaagh, look at the pretty colors -- finale better be great